Can the FC controllers receive a midi command to switch presets?


I use OnSong on my tablet for charts for my cover band. I assign a preset for each song. When I swipe to the next song OnSong sends a midi preset change via USB. My FC6 is not cooperating. I know it's not a midi controller but I had assumed it could do receive a preset change. Is there a way or am I forced to run a USB cable to the Axe-FX?
I use OnSong on my tablet for charts for my cover band. I assign a preset for each song. When I swipe to the next song OnSong sends a midi preset change via USB. My FC6 is not cooperating. I know it's not a midi controller but I had assumed it could do receive a preset change. Is there a way or am I forced to run a USB cable to the Axe-FX?
Your FC-6 is strictly a foot controller. It cannot send or receive MIDI messages by itself. What Fractal product are you using it with, and how are you getting MIDI to that device? And have you configured it to respond to MIDI PC messages?
Your FC-6 is strictly a foot controller. It cannot send or receive MIDI messages by itself. What Fractal product are you using it with, and how are you getting MIDI to that device? And have you configured it to respond to MIDI PC messages?
Tablet to FC via USB. It's disappointing that the FC is limited in that. So is the USB jack only for firmware updates? I guess I'll have to run the cable to the Axe-FX....which is really unfortunate.
Tablet to FC via USB. It's disappointing that the FC is limited in that. So is the USB jack only for firmware updates? I guess I'll have to run the cable to the Axe-FX....which is really unfortunate.
To date, I don't think the USB jack has been used for anything... I believe the firmware gets updated via the Axe Fx or FM.
To date, I don't think the USB jack has been used for anything... I believe the firmware gets updated via the Axe Fx or FM.
Well...perhaps on the next update it could accept midi program changes so guys in cover bands and churches. I'm hoping Music Stand by Planning Center will add sending midi preset changes too. Swipe and you into the next song. Charts on tablets aren't going away. I'd rather not have to do double the work. Thanks.
The FC is not a brain. The MIDI command needs to go to the brain, the AxeFx.

Get a wireless Bluetooth MIDI device and connect it to the Axe for it to work.
The FC is not a brain. The MIDI command needs to go to the brain, the AxeFx.

Get a wireless Bluetooth MIDI device and connect it to the Axe for it to work.
I don't need the FC to be a brain. It should follow orders. Like change presets. The RJM handles it easily. Would you rather run a cable from your tablet to the controller 2-3 feet away or to the Axe-FX which could be 10 feet away? Bluetooth is possible, but it creates another vulnerability.
I don't need the FC to be a brain. It should follow orders. Like change presets. The RJM handles it easily. Would you rather run a cable from your tablet to the controller 2-3 feet away or to the Axe-FX which could be 10 feet away? Bluetooth is possible, but it creates another vulnerability.
Pretty much everything it does is handled by the Axe Fx.

The RJM is a standalone controller. It IS a brain...

The FCs are not. They are like an extension of the Axe Fx.
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