Can the axe fx2 still cut it today?


I've had a problem with the USB output jack breaking on my AX8, which I hope will be fixed at some point this week. Whilst looking on YT for some inspirational musical stuff I watched a few Axe FX2 videos. Complete with features lacking from the AX8, such as tone matching and I believe dual amps.
So my question to all you expert wonderful Fractal folk is, will an Axe2 still cut it today?
I'm not in the best financial position today so figure a s/h FX2 would be more attainable than the much more desired FX3 (or even the FM9).

Just as a bit of side note. In the UK we get our eyes ripped out on the pricing of a lot of goods. I understand that we are charged heavily on taxes but to show how lucky you US based folks are an Axe Fx3 in the US is $2400 which converts to about £1886 English pounds. An Axe Fx3 here in the UK is £2539 which works out at about $3231.
Hence my reasons for a good s/h FX2. I should be able to pick one up for somewhere about £1K (which is still an eye watering $1300).
I wish that I lived stateside. I would save a bit more cash up and buy an Fx3. Job done.
(This is not a dig at any company's pricing, it is more to show how expensive it is to buy things here in good ol' blighty!)
I believe dual amps
The AFII does dual amps.

If I could get my hands on an FM9, I'd go that route over a AFII, personally. I think staying on the current generation hardware yeilds a lot of improvement benefits to make it worth it. But if the FM9 is too much money, and the AFII is reasonably priced, I think you'd be super happy with it. It still sounds fantastic.
The AFII does dual amps.

If I could get my hands on an FM9, I'd go that route over a AFII, personally. I think staying on the current generation hardware yeilds a lot of improvement benefits to make it worth it. But if the FM9 is too much money, and the AFII is reasonably priced, I think you'd be super happy with it. It still sounds fantastic.
Yes, that makes a lot of sense. The UK is going thru some tricky and expensive financial times so if I can find somebody that needs the cash and has an FM9 for sale then maybe I should go in that direction. I now need to check out things to see if an FM9 does tone matching. I am not ruling out an AF2 just yet though. If I can find one at the right price with a foot controller I would be very tempted.
I don't play in a band and would only be using "the whatever" I buy in the house. With the doors locked to stop angry neighbors from getting in and either killing me or chopping my fingers off to stop me from making a noise! :) They don't seem to enjoy guitar music in the way I do. Strange people.
The Axe-Fx II is a nice upgrade from the AX8.

PROs... Dual Amps and Cabs, Tone Match block, Mult-band Compressor, more instances of most blocks, double the CPU power, Send and Return blocks to extend the signal chain, more Ins and Outs, USB audio interface, headphone outlet, no more firmware updates to deal with. Still sounds great!

CONs... You may need a foot controller, foot controller integration is nowhere near as good as the Gen 3/FC units. Amp, Cab, and effect algorithms and other useful features have improved a lot. Many new Amps and Cabs, Dyna-Cabs, effect algorithms in the Gen 3 units

I have all of the modeling units, and still use my original Axe-Fx II live.
Just a comment on the price of new Fractal stuff, keep in mind the you get a transferable 3-year warranty as part of the purchase price.

In the US, we have to pay extra if we want the longer warranty (we get 1 year included) and it's non-transferable.
I’m also from good ol' blighty!) so understand your financial concerns. However, I can only give you my honest opinion. I have the means to purchase a fm9 but I’m so happy with my axe2 XL that there is no way I am considering ”upgrading“. I’ve invested a lot of time fine tuning my presets over the years and, TBH, I’m in a great place right now with everything all considered. Every time I turn it on on I’m in my happy place. It just works for me.

ps. sorry Fractal for not supporting you on new hardware, but you shouldn’t of made the axe2 so damn good 👍
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