Can one effect stop another on a MFC ?


Hi guys is it posable for instance to have two separate delays in one patch and assign them to two different switches on the MFC. Then while was is already engaged you step on the switch for the other and it cancels the first.

Basically swapping between the two delays or reverbs or any effects ?

Can't figure it out ?

Thank you
5.4 Switch Links ........................................................................................... 27
Hi Hubertus, sorry to be mr thicky here but Scenes didn't work out for what i want to do So i am going to try this switch links next. You said 5.4……27. I am really stuggeling to find it in the manuel. I even did a search for it but still can't find it. Sorry to be a piano
Page 29. Paragraph 5.4. Manual version 3.0.

In the MFC manual .... not the Axe-Fx manual.
Now i feel super stupid. I never even looked at the MFC manual !!!! I have no excuse for that level of stupidity guys but thank you for the help its very much appreciated. I am now heading off to my MFC manual.

Thank you guys
If u want to switch between two type of something, can't you use x/y? That's usually how I deal with stuff like that. Scenes and x/y...

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Hi Mattseeed - odd that scenes didn't work for you, unless there is some other item that was affected. I do this regularly... Example, Two Delay blocks in my patches (sometimes three), and most also have X/Y as an option. I have Scene 1 - Delay 1 on, Delay 2 Bypassed; Scene 2 - Delay 1 Bypassed, Delay 2 On.

I also do it with the MFC Switch Links - If I kick on my Wah, it turns off the Delay 1 where the same expression pedal controls the delay mix and my wah.

Seems either option should work for you - they both work for me.
Why wasting two switches? One is enough. So you can toggle.

Assign an IA switch to an external controller in the midi ctrl menu of the axe-fx. Now assign the two effects to that external controller. Do that by clicking enter on the bypass parameter of a block and set that external controller as source. Now the controller curves: One curve is normal (effect on when IA swich engaged) and the other curve must go upside down (effect on when IA switch disengaged). Get that curve upside down by setting min to 100 percent and max to 0 percent.
That's true Bakerman. And the reason scenes won't work is I want two effects to have a boost of each and the ability to be off. So, you could have rev1 and delay1 both on switches which is full control over both independently of course, you could assign a scene to another switch to make, for example the rev2 come on but still with delay1 on. But then if you wanted to add in delay2 you can't cuz that would another scene again which you would have to assign either rev1 or rev2 too. So operating them independently seems to me to be hard with scenes. So I have turned to using XY for each. In principal this should work but if you see my other post about this you will see it's driving me mad.
just use more scenes with various combinations

or have scenes with your most common combinations and assign individual fx blocks to IA's so you have independent control whilst within a scene
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