can not change or upload IR name 13.07


I was taking some UR IR's today of a 412MS I picked up to day for cheap. After taking the IR's and saving them into user slots, I open cab manager and double click on the cab location to give that cab ir a name, but axe edit pops up with a message saying that I can not change the name of the user cab cause it is marked to delete!? So, plan 2. I used fractalbot to export the new ir's which are labeled as "EMPTY" right now, to my pc. Then I changed the name on the IR on my pc, and then used fractalbot to send them back to my user slots. Same thing, they imported fine but still show up as "EMPTY", and I still cant click on them and change anything.
I am running 13.07 and latest update of Axe-edit. Thanks!
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