Can I Use the Red Led in General Use Switch Mode?



I use the the MFC in AXE Fx Mode with most of my switches set to Axe Fx functions which have the 3 states (No LED = Not Present, Red LED = Present + Off, Green LED = Present + On). I also have a few "General Use" IA switch for tasks I can't do with the standard Axe Mode functions. They work fine for me with 2 states (LED-Off / LED-Green) but I'd rather that the 2 states for these switches be LED-Red / LED-Green since I consider my "General Use" switches in a given patch to be "present" (RED) when off (with the LED Off they are confused with non-present Axe Mode switches).

Is there a way to setup general use switches as RED/GREEN instead of OFF/GREEN?

Sorry if this is a repeat question - I'm tried using the search but did not get too far due to the common wording.
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