Can I use the FM9 Output 3 like the Output 1 and 2?

Hello. I have Output 1 (1/4") going to my FRFR speakers. I have Output 2, with separate effects (branch of my signal chain in FM9), going to a mixer for my IEMs. This way, I can adjust the IEM tone, effects, volume all separately. For FOH, I can give them the XLRs of Output 1. But, I would have to adjust the volume of my FRFR using the volume control on the FRFR, which is not easily accessible during a gig. If I used the volume control on the FM9, it would change the level going to FOH. So, I thought it would be even more flexible if I can give them Output 3. But, I understand that Output 3 is different than Outputs 1 and 2? Is there a way to do this? Thanks!
Check pg 95 of the manual. If you don’t want to add an out 3 block, you can set Output 3 to Copy Output 1 and then control your FOH send by the Out 3 knob. The difference with Out 3 is it is at unity gain when turn up fully.
Thanks, but I only see copy Input 1 to Output 3. Also, if all the way up is Unity gain, don't I have to keep it on Unity gain and adjust the volume somewhere else? I'm not really clear on the differences between the Output 1 Knob and the Output 3 knob. Thanks.
Thanks, but I only see copy Input 1 to Output 3. Also, if all the way up is Unity gain, don't I have to keep it on Unity gain and adjust the volume somewhere else? I'm not really clear on the differences between the Output 1 Knob and the Output 3 knob. Thanks.

They control the volume of out 1 and out 3, independent of each other. No magic.
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