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Can I run the Axe Fx II off of solar power?

I've got a cheapo chinese inverter feeding lab equipment with 8% losses.
Just make sure the battery cells' end voltage is enough to keep your devices on when they run out of power. That way you'll squeeze em out good without the excess work of any voltage regulator.
Thanks for this insight! Definitely will apply this knowledge.
If the solar panels has enough power, what you need is a pure sine wave inverter so you have no interference in your gear! Pure sine wave inverters cost many $$$$$ but... this seems not to e a prob for you!
I'm right there with you, my friend. All I know is that I go to sleep grateful, wake up grateful, and the rest is taken care of. I've had jobs since I was 14, but still don't even know what work is. All I do is live and love. ;)
Nothing wrong with doing things different brother....life is short. I like your attitude. I started watching this thread because of the solar power question. I have always wanted to live on a sailboat.....no shame in what your trying to do! Good luck!
Nothing wrong with doing things different brother....life is short. I like your attitude. I started watching this thread because of the solar power question. I have always wanted to live on a sailboat.....no shame in what your trying to do! Good luck!
I appreciate your kind words! We are always capable of everything that we can believe is a possibility. Sometimes it requires a little sacrifice and a lot of determination, but it's always worth it. What's left behind is only what we realize we never wanted. What's gained is beyond what we can even imagine that we desire. Peace and clarity are the motive. A sailboat would be a beautiful home. We shall live our dreams! We're the only ones that can make that happen. No one else. :smiley:
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