Can I not do parallel mono FX in the loop?

Ha, exactly... like a feedback loop at 3am with a half asleep brain.

The shower for sure. How 5-minutes of standing under hot water can solve all the world's (or my studio's) problems is a great mystery of life. Why doesn't Congress debate in the shower?
I've contemplated finding somewhere around me that has a sensory deprivation tank because I wonder what kind of genius ideas I might come up with!
Hi, sorry to revive an older thread. I think this is exactly what I am after with my Strymon TimeLine and BlueSky with my FM3 (I haven't received the unit yet). I've tried to recreate in my Axe FX III, but I have not tried using the Mixer block yet as mentioned in this thread.

I would like to run both of these outboard effects in mono post the amp / cab blocks on the FM3 with separate mixes. In global params on the FM3, Input 2 and Output 2 would be set to stereo. My assumption is the signal chain would be as follows after the cab block:

Out 2L -> Timeline -> In 2L
Out 2R -> BlueSky -> In 2R

I need to pan both of these signals back to mono. Is the solution to use the mixer block to accomplish this? If I look at the mixer block UI, I don't see how this is possible.

Thank you!
I need to pan both of these signals back to mono. Is the solution to use the mixer block to accomplish this? If I look at the mixer block UI, I don't see how this is possible.

I might have been overthinking, it looks like there is a stereo / mono setting in the Mixer block. If I set this to mono that should solve the problem, correct?

Would there be a way to control individual levels of the Out 2L - > In 2L and Out 2R -> In 2R?
I might have been overthinking, it looks like there is a stereo / mono setting in the Mixer block. If I set this to mono that should solve the problem, correct?

Would there be a way to control individual levels of the Out 2L - > In 2L and Out 2R -> In 2R?
You could control the output volume from the pedals themselves.
You could control the output volume from the pedals themselves.

Thanks for your suggestion.

I should have added, the problem is with the BlueSky. I would like to remove the dry signal completely, and run 100% wet, and mix in the appropriate volume via the FM3. I don't have enough output volume control (only 3db boost or cut) of the BlueSky without including dry signal.
I was able to figure out a solution. I built a volume control pedal that I put between the BlueSky out and Input 2R. This allows me to run the BlueSky at 100% wet and no dry signal but still maintain control of the overall volume compared to the Timeline.

@laxu , your idea led me to this solution so thank you.
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