Can a preset change layouts automatically?

Dave Merrill

Is there any way a preset can automatically load a specific layout when it (the preset) loads?

I know about layout links, where a switch that does something else can also call up a layout. Not talking about that.

Is that possible?
Nope, but you do have up to 24 per preset override switches that you could create a layout with.
Hmm, you're right, but what I was looking for is much simpler and easier to deal with.

I have the layout I want, and it gets called up by a layout link when I navigate to the preset in the usual way. But occasionally I get to it some other way, and that layout doesn't show up.

It's not a showstopper by any means, I was just wondering if this was possible, since after all, a whole lot of things are!
Thinking about it more, I realize that what I'd really need to match the associated layout links behavior is to call up a layout per scene, not per preset.

Starting to think this just isn't very practical, I'm better off just getting back to my my normal flow and layout links.
I basically have three layouts I use. Today I manually program them into my performance layout every time I create a preset. I don't want to change layouts manually mid show.

Is there a midi command, I can send that selects a layout?
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