Cameron amps


I was totally unaware of the entire Cameron amps saga: wow, that was tense!
anyone knows what’s the ending of that story ? Did people get back their money at all ?
Hahahah get some coffee and popcorn.

The short story is Mark is a talented guy and did some really killer work on some heads, but it was a cliched story, personal issues, drug issues, etc. After a while, people stopped hearing from him or it would take insanely long periods of time to get their gear back. The whole time, people wanted to keep sending him gear, despite the warnings and issues. He screwed over a lot of people and at one point, he was given some major assistance with someone from Rig-Talk and Dave Friedman was even involved. The idea was to start production of a Cameron line but he would be babysat by Dave and co in regards to all aspects of business. Mark was there to build amps. The intention was to make good on every bad deal, whether someone had lost an amp to Mark or paid for one and never got it.

Several people were able to receive an amp around this time. I think currently, there are 12 people who Mark still owes an amp/money to. These weren't regular heads people were sending him, these were valuable/rare/vintage amps and unfortunately, a few people found out too late what kind of guy Mark was/is. And really, even after, when people knew exactly what was going on, there would always be someone popping up trying to get in touch with him to get a mod done. Eventually, the deal with Friedman and Co. tanked and I think Mark disappeared again.

He surfaced again a couple years later and is still doing work right now. He's got someone helping him on the business side of things but it's not a legit business. I'm not sure Mark is allowed to operate a business anymore, at least not in California. Apparently, things have been running smooth, but I think he's only doing extremely small numbers.

His amps/mods do sound great; whether or not they're as groundbreaking as discussed, I'm not so sure. I think there's a whole bunch of hype and a certain air of "Look what I have and you don't" around those amps. I wouldn't even feel right buying one, knowing whatever I'm buying should be in the hands of someone who already forked over their money.

Totally stoked having a CCV and an Atomica in the AxeFX. No one get screwed out of an amp when I load those up.

If you want to do a deep-dive, go over to Rig-Talk and just search for his name. The place has always been the unofficial....and official Cameron forum.
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