Cable vs Wireless bizarreness

def the wireless output having a gain control somewhere in the signal path whether on the pack or in the settings. I know my GLX has an option of it and its pack specific, which ive been smacked by i just keep them all at 0/unity
Just wondering - the transmitter pack has two level controls - Mic control should be full down (counterclockwise).
Then they talk about setting the Instrument level...

"For INSTRUMENT: Make an initial adjustment of the instrument amplifier input level control that will allow audio through the system"
"For INSTRUMENT: While playing the instrument at typically loud levels, check the AF meter levels on the receiver. If all five meterbars are consistently illuminated and distortion is heard through the system, it may be necessary to adjust the UniPak transmitter audio input level. To adjust the transmitter audio input level, gently turn the instrument level trim control counterclockwise until the topmost receiver AF level meter bar is illuminated only on audio peaks."
"For INSTRUMENT: While again playing the instrument at typically loud levels, adjust the receiver’s AF Level control so the highest signal level causes no input overload in the instrument amplifier (FM9) and yet permits the amplifier’s input level controls to operate in their “normal” range (not set too high or too low). Note: If the mixer (FM9) cannot be adjusted to operate in its normal range without distortion, adjust the receiver’s AF Level Control (turn counterclockwise) until the mixer/amplifier/FM9 is no longer overloaded."
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