Implemented Cable function when grid is not zoomed

Chad Beattie

I may be doing something wrong... But I am unable to connect blocks using the cable button (D) when viewing the full layout of the grid (non-zoomed). I didn't see anything in the manual that said it should only work while zoomed. Maybe someone can double check also and report back.

At this moment you can only do routing stuff in the zoomed view.
I may be doing something wrong... But I am unable to connect blocks using the cable button (D) when viewing the full layout of the grid (non-zoomed). I didn't see anything in the manual that said it should only work while zoomed. Maybe someone can double check also and report back.

this is the intended function at this time.
I think someone mentioned somewhere that if you have complex routings, showing the cable connection in full layout mode would be pretty clogged up and (almost) impossible to see which cable goes where.
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