CabLab 4 1.02 AU Plugin Crashing Logic Pro Plugin Scanner - Logic Pro Reports CabLab 4 “incompatible”

After I upgraded to CabLab 4 V1.02 Logic Pro 10.8.1 reports that the plugin fails validation and crashes the plugin scanner. If I force Logic Pro to use it it lists the plugin as incompatible as its category in the plugin drop-down menu. Is anyone else seeing this issue?
Hi Dave.

I'm not sure why that might be... it passes validation here and loads fine in Logic 10.8


If we can figure out how to reproduce it, I'm sure @Michael Pickens can fix it.
@Daveporter33765 @Marco Fanton if you'd like to share your system details that might be helpful.
If the plugin validator lists any other details, please include those, too.

I'm on a 2021 MBP, Apple M1 Max and NOT having any trouble. Mac OS 14.1.2 (23B92). Logic version 10.8 build 5895
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If we can figure out how to reproduce it, I'm sure @Michael Pickens can fix it.
@Daveporter33765 @Marco Fanton if you'd like to share your system details that might be helpful.
If the plugin validator lists any other details, please include those, too.

I'm on a 2021 MBP, Apple M1 Max and NOT having any trouble. Mac OS 14.1.2 (23B92). Logic version 10.8 build 5895
My system specifications for my 2020 iMac, which is the computer I am using with my CabLab4 program, are provided in my signature below. Interestingly, I loaded CabLab4 on a M1 MacBook Air we have here as well. The CabLab4 AU plugin passes validation on the M1 computer just fine. So, is this a problem that affects only Intel based Macs?
Below are screen shots that show what occurs when I attempt tp validate CadLab4 AU plugin in Logic Pro 10.8.1 on my 2020 iMac (specs shown in my signature below).Top half of log.pngBottom half of log.png
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Cablab4 1.00.2 App
CabLab Plugin 1.01 validation OK.
Logic Pro 10.8.1
Mac Mini M1
Mac OS 14.3 Beta 2
No problems recognizable.
The only unusual thing is that the Plugin Manager shows the version with V1.01 as before the CabLab update. The pictures show 1.02. In the app 1.00.2.
Cablab4 1.00.2 App
CabLab Plugin 1.01 validation OK.
Logic Pro 10.8.1
Mac Mini M1
Mac OS 14.3 Beta 2
No problems recognizable.
The only unusual thing is that the Plugin Manager shows the version with V1.01 as before the CabLab update. The pictures show 1.02. In the app 1.00.2.
What is strange is that your plugin version appears to be the older version, not the most recent version which is 1.02.

Are you operating am M1 or later powered Mac or an Intel based Mac?
What is strange is that your plugin version appears to be the older version, not the most recent version which is 1.02.

Are you operating am M1 or later powered Mac or an Intel based Mac?
I use a Mac mini M1 from 2020.
Based on your note, I checked my system. logic was already updated to 10.8.1. And Cablab4 as a plugin with version 1.01.
After I started the standalone version of cablab, version 1.00.2 was installed via autoupdate incl. plugin.
Both the standalone version and the plugin show version 1.00.2. Only in the Plug in Manager version 1.01 is displayed.
Both versions can be used without any issues
I use a Mac mini M1 from 2020.
Based on your note, I checked my system. logic was already updated to 10.8.1. And Cablab4 as a plugin with version 1.01.
After I started the standalone version of cablab, version 1.00.2 was installed via autoupdate incl. plugin.
Both the standalone version and the plugin show version 1.00.2. Only in the Plug in Manager version 1.01 is displayed.
Both versions can be used without any issues
Thank you. I am not experiencing this issue on an M1 MacBook Air, only on my Intel based 2020 iMac.
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