Legacy CAB-PACK 13- CLN Land- Acording To ''Uranology Science hypothesis''

Hyper Planet

Power User
Hey fellers, this my first CLN and Fxs tone with Cab-Pack 13 I also heard a heavy accent on it so I added them on those clean lines and a kid guitar solo @ the end,

I just used Axe-Fx II there is no post processing or what not, actually this is the way I like to do it when I want to post my sound-clip on FAS forum :), anyhow following the link is the result ,

how does it sound to your ears ?

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Yeah it will definitely become an epic sound dude! Thank you for showing some of Cab Pack 13's strengths. It already sounds like a full solid mix without drums and bass. :)
Yeah it will definitely become an epic sound dude! Thank you for showing some of Cab Pack 13's strengths. It already sounds like a full solid mix without drums and bass. :)

Thank you for your nice words dude ! :), Cab-Pack 13 developed N inspired me to wrote these notes, I think I should work on it in order to turning it into a whole song !
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