Cab-Lab 4 Release 🔈🧪

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The phase alignment GUI is worth adding it to the bag of tools alone.
Also love how it normalises levels - very cool feature!
Love Cab-Lab 4. Phase alignment and graphic representation of the impulse is really useful.
Even though volume normalization is a cool feature it would be great having the ability to disable it.
Could this be possible in a future update? @Admin M@ @FractalAudio
@unix-guy Just preference. I’m used to miking cabs with different mics and prefer it that way using faders with any volume normalization. I still like the way Fractal does the normalization but having the two options would be great.
I'm getting an error on the Mac dmg file. It says "no mountable file system"...
This has been fixed. Watch for a new release tomorrow.

It's mono, so no way to pan IR's left/right.
We're looking at adding cab panning for a future version but it ins't as simple as it seems.

I would love to see the Beyerdynamic M160 mic added.
That request is under consideration.

Any chance AAX plugin format will show up for Pro Tools?
I don't think we have any plans to add AAX, but I will try to confirm this for you.
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