Buzz Feiten tuning in Ax8


New Member
Does anyone know what the setting is in Ax8 tuner for the Buzz Feiten tuning?
I don't know the offsets…
thanks for this..fantastic read about the patent link…
I've had the BF system on my Tom Anderson Strat for the last 8 or 9 years..
For me it has made a great difference in being in tune .. I appreciate the info
I've had the BF system on my Tom Anderson Strat for the last 8 or 9 years..For me it has made a great difference in being in tune ..
Ok, if it's your thing enjoy it!
I think sometimes: If I would wanted to have perfect intonation I would have to retune when key changes (in a conventional guitar).
But then I shake my head and think: those cents up and down makes my guitar different from a synth...and are handy when I play a song by ear from a CD, is easier to know if the fretting hand of the artist is located in upper or middle frets!
But nothing wrong with the righteousness :D
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I've been sticking with Peterson sweetened tunings for years now and I love 'em. Never tried a Feiten tuned guitar because I am surrounded by heathens. ;)
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