Bugs in Presets 088 Night Creatures and 378 Spaceverb


Power User
Bugs in Presets 088 Night Creatures and 378 Space Verb - Solved

I noticed Night creatures sounds nothing like it did on the Ultra as it had no pitchshifting in and having compared the settings to the Ultra preset and having a play it seems to be a bug in the Filter Blocks....if I bypass both filter blocks it all comes back to the way it should.

I have tried deleting them and recreating them, but this does not seem to fix it.

I have also found another preset that seems to have a bug 378 - Spaceverb....you dont get any sound at all if you select it. 377 is fine you get sound, but if you select 378...Silence.
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Preset 378 needs the volume block removed (or Byp Mode) set to Thru.

Cool, thanks Cliff....will give that a go, I did not have a chance to play with it to find the culprit(s) like on Night Creatures.

Yes this is the problem, by default the preset has the volume block bypassed and the default bypass is set to "Mute", set it to "Thru" and it works fine.

Thanks for the pointer Cliff.
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