Brothers in Arms tone...

Hey guys,

I wonder if you could help me out on Mark Knopfler's tone on the track Brothers in Arms.

I'm hearing a slight chorus-like or flanging effect in the lead tone. Nonetheless I'm not getting this to sound right.

Do you have any idea what amp or fx Mark is using on that track?

Thanks for your help ☺
When people say tone is in the fingers, this is probably even more true for Mark Knopfler. However in the Freman preset pack I bought there was a very good Brothers in arms preset.
Perhaps he can record a teaser for you. Loads of great tones and presets in his pack. Disclaimer, as usual how a preset sound is very much depending on the guitar, pickups, FRFR vs real cabs etc etc... His stuff always sounded great on my system, HB guitars and FRFR

Paging Dr Fremen @fremen
I suppose what you are hearing is some slight phasing effects from mic position. The original was a JTM45 with, I suppose, it's original cabinet. I play this song with this group but I didn't went for the original album tone but something it would fit an more alike to Mark's solo live tone so I use a Komet 60 with ownhammer's 412 MAR-CB EVM Irs (OH1 or OH1F mix from the quick start folder). This is my preset (I use a Tokai Japan Les Paul with Duncan antiquity pickups and an AX8, so you maybe should convert with fractool).


  • 196 Brothers in arms.syx
    12.6 KB · Views: 138
I suppose what you are hearing is some slight phasing effects from mic position. The original was a JTM45 with, I suppose, it's original cabinet. I play this song with this group but I didn't went for the original album tone but something it would fit an more alike to Mark's solo live tone so I use a Komet 60 with ownhammer's 412 MAR-CB EVM Irs (OH1 or OH1F mix from the quick start folder). This is my preset (I use a Tokai Japan Les Paul with Duncan antiquity pickups and an AX8, so you maybe should convert with fractool).
Thanks for your preset, I added some amp compression like '2', used another cab (PR-CB H75+M75 series OH1F6), really not bad (using humbuckers) !
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