br00tz clip - 7's/not shit/genuinely heavy - fw4

To me it's a lot more interesting than usual djenty stuff... And the flubbyness of the sound participates in some way in making this music original, in an era where everyone easily creates clean mixes.
Just imho..
You can claim all you want that "dynamics" can have different meanings, but fact of the matter is, in music production, it doesn't. And I say that without any implication that you need to have more dynamics in a song like this. You don't. The lack of dynamics here isn't a case of over-compression, it's just the genre.

That being said, there's a couple notes I'd give you:
For a genre like this, I think you've actually got 5 songs lumped into 1 here. I'm basically hearing riff salad. I get that you want chaotic, but I still think that you're too all over the place.

To go along with that, I think the song is too long. Split it up, pick out the riffs that actually mesh together, develop multiple songs.

I don't think the guitar tone is clear enough.

For all of the above, if you haven't already, listen to Abandon All Life by Nails. It's along the same lines as what you seem to be aiming for here, and it's done incredibly well.
To engulf yourself in technicality and inhibit creativity because of aesthetics is boring. The guitars aren't supposed to be clean in any respect, it's supposed to be filthy. Super clean mixes with zero punch are not my thing.

Approaching mastering from a technical standpoint in no way inhibits creativity. The two are completely unrelated IMO. The creativity always comes first... no one sets up mastering parameters and then composes to fit those predefined variables. And this punch you speak of, this in part a result from retaining a wide range of dynamics throughout the mastering process. I'm not saying you shouldn't limit to -0.1db. Peak output is not the issue. Composition is not the issue. Guitar tones are not the issue. You can have a classical symphony with hardly any dynamic range if mastered incorrectly according to the new Loudness War status quo.

Having said that, I do like the phrasing in this. I dig the composition. I would rock out to this. I would just experiment with the mastering some more.
I agree with Clark; the section after 2:40 is neat. I detect some Meshuggah influence, especially with the tremolo-picked drone notes that linger after the chunky riffs. I like it.
reli tohuhg let m konw wehn yu rceodr teh gtrz

I can't understand a word you're on about.

@PedSectioned, I generally like you're stuff, but in this case I feel the drums are too loud in the mix, they come slightly better near the end.
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I like the song/riffs. Although I personally prefer guitars that are a bit cleaner when it comes to stuff like this though(it doesn't have to be dujent) - TDEP stuff is super clean, and some of Danza's stuff I think strikes a decent balance between chaotic and defined. But if that's what you prefer then :encouragement:#yolo:encouragement:
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