Wish Boss BD-2

Bumping this one. I don't think the Boss BD-2 Blues Driver is a poor man's anything, one of my favourites, particularly with Robert Keeley mods thrown in. I haven't looked at the schematics since I modified my current one many years ago, but it's relatively complex for a drive pedal, and has an RC network that appears to be aiming to mimic a Fender tone stack in the middle of it all somewhere. If it was a copy of anything, I am not sure what, but it does things to my Fender Princeton Reverb that are quite remarkable. Cliff, I know you're busy, but this one is possibly a little easier than a Klon Centaur, and also pretty affordable in comparison. If you want to try one with DIY Keeley mods, I will be happy to post my one over to the USA. It is an awesome pedal. Saw this video and it reminded me:

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