Boost volume using modifier while soloing


A few years ago, i set up a patch using one of the modifiers to boost some notes(like up the neck while soloing), probably someone here at the forum create a patch and i implemented on my preset, but it was a long time ago, and after many resets and updates i lost the preset and couldn’t remember how it was done. i remember that the modifier tracked really well the low notes and increased the volume nicely.

Any Guru can pinpoint some directions for this old soul? 😬

Thank you
If the amount of boost depended on which notes you were playing, you were most likely using the pitch follower. Assign a modifier to a block level control, set the pitch follower as the source, set MIN to 0 dB for unity gain, and set MAX to the highest amount of boost you want from the modifier. Tweak the curve shape and damping as needed to fine tune the response to your liking.
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