Bluetooth connectivity from FM9 turbo to Mac Pro


New Member
Hello all! I am going to take my FM9 Turbo out for it's first band gig Friday. I will have my Macbook Pro with me to run the FM9 edit program. I was wondering if there is a way to connect the FM9 Turbo to my Mac via bluetooth? Hardwiring it would need an extra extra long cable and bluetooth would be much more convenient. I can't seem to find out whether that is doable, and if it is, how? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks ~BenG
I was wondering if there is a way to connect the FM9 Turbo to my Mac via bluetooth?
FracPad can connect via Bluetooth, with the help of a dongle. It's possible that you could do that with FM9-Edit as well, though I haven't tried that.
FracPad can connect via Bluetooth, with the help of a dongle. It's possible that you could do that with FM9-Edit as well, though I haven't tried that.
Thanks Rex! Do you have a specific type of dongle and cord attachment you could recommend? The dongle would have to be connected to the FM9, I suppose, with a 'send' functionality to allow for the Mac to connect with it, as if it were coming in to the computer via the USB port. I doubt I can get that together for the gig on Friday, but any recommendations would be very helpful to me moving in that direction, and appreciated! ~BenG
Thanks Rex! Do you have a specific type of dongle and cord attachment you could recommend? The dongle would have to be connected to the FM9, I suppose, with a 'send' functionality to allow for the Mac to connect with it, as if it were coming in to the computer via the USB port. I doubt I can get that together for the gig on Friday, but any recommendations would be very helpful to me moving in that direction, and appreciated! ~BenG
There are various Bluetooth midi adapters.

The CME Widi Master and the Yamaha MD-BT01 are frequently recommended.
@AlGrenadine recommends the Yamaha MD-BT01 for use with FracPad. I haven't tried it with FM9-Edit, so I can't say whether it will work or not. I look forward to hearing your results.
I'm not sure I've heard of anyone running the editor over Bluetooth... I was thinking about FracPad.
Thanks guys! I do not have an iPad right now. I've been using my Mac laptop loaded with the FM9 edit at home; It would be simplest to take it out to gig and be able to use the system I am most familiar with, if need be, on the fly. Don't think connecting the computer via USB cable is practical, so considering bluetooth options. Thanks so much for the help; just getting off the ground with this tech.
Why not give it a try?
Thats what I'm thinking... the Yamaha MD BT01 is about $55.00... see what happens... I bet I can find a use for it elsewhere if it doesn't work in this application. If I do try it, I will update this thread. I may break down and get an iPad, as well, but may try the FracPad if need be, but trying to keep expenses down meanwhile... thanks again for the help ~BG
Just for your information
It made me curious so I tested on my FM3
CME Widi jack connected to midi DIN in and out
Both fractal bot and FM3 edit connect via Bluetooth
FM3 edit in preference, change port to WiDi jack
It do a RANF for a while and then time out
Same for fractal bot did a backup) it started and the time out

In summary it connects, communicate but I think the high volume of data create a time out and makes it unusable
At least on FM3
Just for your information
It made me curious so I tested on my FM3
CME Widi jack connected to midi DIN in and out
Both fractal bot and FM3 edit connect via Bluetooth
FM3 edit in preference, change port to WiDi jack
It do a RANF for a while and then time out
Same for fractal bot did a backup) it started and the time out

In summary it connects, communicate but I think the high volume of data create a time out and makes it unusable
At least on FM3
Curious. Thanks for letting us know your findings.
Just for your information
It made me curious so I tested on my FM3
CME Widi jack connected to midi DIN in and out
Both fractal bot and FM3 edit connect via Bluetooth
FM3 edit in preference, change port to WiDi jack
It do a RANF for a while and then time out
Same for fractal bot did a backup) it started and the time out

In summary it connects, communicate but I think the high volume of data create a time out and makes it unusable
At least on
This has been my experience with the FM9. Widi stuff is goos for basic functions like changing presets, scenes, effects, tempo, etc..., but not for editing.
I have successfully used a WIDI Master device (out of necessity) with FM9 Edit, up to and including a firmware update. It works but it is S L O W! I have a MacBook Pro and I find it more reliable to adjust power settings so that the computer never goes to sleep. Make sure to change from USB to MIDI in the preferences tab on FM9 Edit.

I have also tried using FracPad with this same setup but it keeps crashing. The Yamaha device may prove more reliable with FracPad, but I don’t have one to try. Using FracPad on my iPad with the Widi Master seems to be a little more stable.
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