Block Library Breakdown


I think I must misunderstand the purpose/capabilities of the block library. Hoping someone can set me straight,

I'm trying to save my own custom block definitions to the library so I can reuse them in channels and scenes.

1) I have a preset with 4 scenes.
2) I want to setup a compressor block using a different compressor type on each channel.
3) Then I want to tweak the settings to my liking and save a customized version of each to the block library.
4) Then I want to be able to assign one of the compressor channels A-D to my each of my 4 scenes as needed. I want the pick a customized version of the block from the library and have it be saved with the scene also.

Either it can't be done or I'm doing something wrong. I can get the channel and type to save with the scene, but not the customized versions from the library.

This leaves me having to apply my customizations manually for each channel/type for each scene which defeats the whole objective.

Somebody school me please......
The block library is a way to save your favorite dialed-in blocks to the hard drive on your computer. You can then load them into a preset whenever you want. The settings for that block,will stay in your preset — as long as you remember to save the preset after loading the block from the library. ;)

The block library saves the entire block, not just one channel. An actual channel library is on the Wish List.

In your case, you’ll want to save a Compressor block with all four channels set just as you want them. you get to decide which channel will be in use for any particular scene.
Thanks Rex.

I get it now. I can only save the one block definition to the library that holds consolidated settings across compressors in channels A-D. I was trying to create and save separate/distinct block definitions for each channel and then have them recalled by scene.

Fog cleared...........
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Yeah I think you've got it now. I do hope the channel library gets implemented at some point, I think it would be much more useful to be able to mix and match settings as needed per patch.
Question on saved blocks: If you save a block to the library, and load it in several presets, and later on change that saved block definition. Do those changes propagate to the presets that use them? Or is that really a "Global Block" function which does not exist for the FM3 for now?
No, that would be global blocks. If you change the saved block library definition you would have to open the other presets and reload the new saved block definition.

Global block definitions are stored locally, on the FM3, and can be shared between multiple presets. Block library definitions are stored on the computer and are not "dynamically" read from the computer.
Yeah I think you've got it now. I do hope the channel library gets implemented at some point, I think it would be much more useful to be able to mix and match settings as needed per patch.

I think that could get messy. What if I want to recall channel A and save it to Channel B?

With the current FM3-Edit functionality, you can copy a channel to any other channel. You can also copy a channel to the clipboard, change presets, and then paste from the clipboard to any channel of the same block type. That works for me to copy channel settings from one preset to another,
What would be messy about it? If the library was channels, you could just recall / save the currently selected channel. Say I have a phaser I like on channel 3 of the block on the current preset. I would save it to the channel library. If I later want to use it in channel B of another preset, I just select phaser and channel B, and load what I saved earlier. Saving the entire block with all the channels laid out in a particular way is useful if you want to reuse the same layout of channels, but I find that 90% of the time I don't, and then it requires a bunch of extra steps to copy and paste things around.
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