Blend two Fractal units for optimal sound


Hello all, just wondering if anyone else has tried what I have discovered ? I have both Fractal Axe FX II + and Axe FX III units.

So I was reading an article where Vinnie Moore was discussing his guitar sound on the first two Shrapnel Releases. ( I always loved that sound )

Come to find out, he used a Scholz Rockman & Marshalls together, and blended the sounds of both at the same time, for a thick unique sound.

That gave me the idea to try the same thing with my 2 Fractal units. So I ran the AXE FX II XL + that has a Scholz Rockman preset on it, into 2 channels on my recorder, panned left and right.

Then ran the John Sykes Marshall preset on my Axe FX III , into 2 more channels on my digital recorder, panned left and right as well......and OMG !

I blended the 2 sounds of both Fractal units into SONIC HEAVEN !!!!!! I actually created a sound just as good or better as the Vinnie Moore sound I was looking for.

Now I have a lush full sound that I will never get tired of, this is my go to sound now. I also did the same process with clean sounds.....and WOW ! Amazing !

I can never go back to using a single Fractal unit again ...LOL... ;-) You can check these sounds out on the 35 tracks I have on
Search for Luke D Miller, it will bring up all of my songs. All Bass & Guitar sounds recorded with Fractal Fx II & III.
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Are we supposed to guess what the Soundcloud page is? is a music sharing website, where I have home studio recordings uploaded to. Sorry, my bad, I just assumed it was known to all. ;-)

It's easy to find It's not as easy to know what account on soundcloud people could be using, which appears to be what CrimsonKing asked. The individual links helped. :)
It's easy to find It's not as easy to know what account on soundcloud people could be using, which appears to be what CrimsonKing asked. The individual links helped. :)
Just search by my name, Luke D Miller. My apologies, I thought it showed my name on the Fractal posts ? I am kinda new to the Fractal Forum. :cool:
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...seems like you're kinda' just plugging your SC page.
Think I'll stick to my knuckle dragging one-unit sounds.
Also, are people still using SC?
I just use Soundcloud to share my music with friends from around the world, and yes lots of people are still using it. I did not want to post 35 tracks here on the Fractal site. Plus the sound quality is better on Soundcloud, because they master your tracks. I am Just trying to share and help people, I am not charging for is all free. I do not make any money on Soundcloud. Take care my fellow Fractal Fanatic. :cool:
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Cool, now you just need to upgrade the 2 to a 3 and it will sound even better!

I'm assuming you have more than 1 amp in these presets, otherwise you could just do it all on the 3.
Lol....3 units would take up too many track channels on my, more than one amp used on both units.... ( So 4 amps total ) that is the beauty of the ::cool::
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