AFIII Blackmore content - DP Mark 3 era


Just received my new guitar, a K-Line Truxton. It sounds killer, and I know it's blasphemous to play Blackmore on a Tele, but it sounded so good I couldn't help it.

This is more like a sound check for Studio (Burn) and Live tone (think of Made in Europe, California Jam)
For studio tone I used AC-20 EF86 Bass, (don't ask why, it just worked) + tone match block.

For live tone, I did something very experimental to mimic an Aiwa deck into a growling 200w Major
Cab block as a mic preamp (yes, that's Aiwa) -> Plexi 100w preamp only -> Tube-Pre with power amp tweaked for an ultralinear Major. -> G12H30 Blackback IR as a cab -> Two reverbs to get that stadium vibe

I think it worked quite well. What do you think?

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Bloody good. I think your playing (more than the presets) mimics blackmores, but the presets are good too. Well done.
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At the 40 second mark, you nailed the tone and playing where it starts the beginning of the recorded version of Highway Star from, "Made in Europe."
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