Big fat hard rock rhythm guitar tone...


Power User what I was going for on this new tune I'm working on (you just have to wait 30 seconds to get to it). It's not finished (it will eventually have vocals) so it sounds kind of empty at the moment. But I figured I'd share anyway because maybe all you guitar nuts would prefer a mix without vocals anyway :).

Everything is Axe-FX except for the acoustic parts where I used a Fishman Aura pedal to make my Ovation sounds slightly less crappy.

If you're not a fan of rhythm guitar then there is a solo that comes in around the 4:20 mark: ... Notice.mp3
I loved that. Great tones and great playing throughout. The clean delay thing in the B section of the song is a nice change of pace. Cool solo too. Kind of an Andy Timmons-esque vibe, which is a very good thing!
Killer stuff, Adam. It's a happy kind of tune, which I tend not to dig, but this one stuck with me. Thanks for sharing. And yeah, I can hear a little of the Timmon-ish or Reb Beach-ish tone. I dp hear just a touch of Petrucci in the solo, but overall you still make the whole tune your own. And, although I think the Hammond organ is second only to the accordion in terms of the most heinous sounding instruments ever created, it's back far enough in the mix that it's not as offensive as they usually sound to me. Consider that a MAJOR compliment, my friend. :)

SliderJeff said:
Killer stuff, Adam. It's a happy kind of tune, which I tend not to dig, but this one stuck with me. Thanks for sharing. And yeah, I can hear a little of the Timmon-ish or Reb Beach-ish tone. I dp hear just a touch of Petrucci in the solo, but overall you still make the whole tune your own. And, although I think the Hammond organ is second only to the accordion in terms of the most heinous sounding instruments ever created, it's back far enough in the mix that it's not as offensive as they usually sound to me. Consider that a MAJOR compliment, my friend. :)


Haha, thanks. I love a real Hammond organ sound and I hate fake ones. I love the vibe of the classic Hammond sound that bands like Deep Purple and Boston used a lot. All I have is a fake Hammond obviously so I usually don't even bother putting it on my tracks...I actually wanted it even lower in the mix but once it was done I was too lazy to re-do it again.

Thanks for the compliments all. Lead tone is just the HAD ODS model and a touch of delay.
Nice, Adam.

I vote for keeping the Hammond exactly where it is and how it is. I liked it. Just enough, not too overpowering. It was loud enough to hear what it was & get the effect, but not loud enough to tell that it was "fake". I like its place in the song and wouldn't lower it at all.

I like the guitar tones, playing, and composition. Nice job.
javajunkie said:
Nice tune, great sound. Man, I really dislike the ovation sound though :D

Agreed, but that's pretty typical for Ovation.
Great on stage not so great in the studio.... might sound better if you mic it.

I found that once you record an acoustic guitar I get good results when mixing DI and mic'ing the neck near the body with a condenser ... got a good sounds even out of not so great acoustic guitars ...

If you don't like that sound...You guys should hear how bad it sounds when I turn off the Fishman Aura pedal... :lol:

I don't have a good recording mic. I think for demo purposes it is functional.
AdamCook said:
If you don't like that sound...You guys should hear how bad it sounds when I turn off the Fishman Aura pedal... :lol:

I don't have a good recording mic. I think for demo purposes it is functional.

I know! :D I have an old one. Plus our Worship leader uses one. We all chipped in and got him an Acoustic magic stomp ;)

It is more than functional for demo purposes.
Great tune with a nice solo. Very enjoyable.
The clean-delay parts are nicely Cacophony-ish (remind me a bit of the middle part in Desert Island), great stuff!
Great job, Adam! Love this tune. Moves very nicely between each section. What I'm imagining to be the chorus section sounds very Cheap Trick to me, which is a great thing. Never thought they got enough credit for their writing skills. Please post final version with vocals when it's finished. Looking forward to hearing it! :)
That's a really rockin' tune. The rhythm guitar and hammond really work well together. What amp model(s) did you use for the heavy parts?
Thanks guys. For rhythm guitar I used mostly 3 tracks. Right channel is D60L and left channel is JCM800. Middle channel varied...I think I used the Eggie a bit and maybe Top Boost. The middle changes between doubling the left and doubling the right part depending upon what the organ was doing.

Also, I did a fair amount of post-EQing to make things sit better in the mix and used Ozone4 from Izotope for mastering. I think I'm getting better at it...I did a lot of A/B'ing this time with reference recordings where I liked the guitar sound and I think that helped...
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