Wish Bi-directional scene controller value/percentage update?

It's my understanding that once a scene controller is attached to control, that the ability to edit the control's value is limited to editing via the scene controllers tab. Am I missing something? I've only seen folks use percentage calculators to update the scene controller tab values.

While I can see how in operation that would need to be unidirectional, I'd humbly like to suggest that from within Axe-Edit/FMX-Edit that modifying a scene controller controlled value would, one, be possible, and two, that doing so would automatically update the percentage value on the scene controller tab for whichever scene one happens to be viewing at the moment. Thanks.
This could be tricky to program and confusing to users. Imagine you use a scene controller with a modifier at defaults except for curve like /\ and you set the parameter in the block to minimum. Should the scene controller jump to 0 or 100%? Remember that scene controller could be controlling other parameters that also need to change, and might cross Y = 0 at two or three X values.
Imagine you use a scene controller with a modifier at defaults except for curve like /\ and you set the parameter in the block to minimum. Should the scene controller jump to 0 or 100%? Remember that scene controller could be controlling other parameters that also need to change, and might cross Y = 0 at two or three X values.
Good point. I guess I would then modify my suggestion to say that if it's straightforward to map a control's value to an SC percentage, then allow it in the editor. I imagine that in a common simple case like setting input gain across scenes where no other modifiers or scaling are in effect, it might be a welcome enhancement. Some clever design could certainly address the possible confusion. I know how I might do it, but I don't want to narrow it down here at the expense of communicating the main suggestion.
This ↑. Also, the modifier determines the range of the controlled parameter that is actually used. In some cases the scene controller's range may only use a small subset of the controlled parameters total values.
It's my understanding that once a scene controller is attached to control, that the ability to edit the control's value is limited to editing via the scene controllers tab. Am I missing something? I've only seen folks use percentage calculators to update the scene controller tab values.

While I can see how in operation that would need to be unidirectional, I'd humbly like to suggest that from within Axe-Edit/FMX-Edit that modifying a scene controller controlled value would, one, be possible, and two, that doing so would automatically update the percentage value on the scene controller tab for whichever scene one happens to be viewing at the moment. Thanks.

You're right, this is a problem with the backwards way scene controllers work. It would be more friendly if you could directly edit the parameter being modified to set the value for the scene, like Helix Snapshots. I suspect (just a guess) the Axe-FX only works the way it does because scene controllers were added relatively late, so there were constraints that made it difficult to implement the user interface in the more conventional manner.

P.S. Strictly speaking, it's not true that you can't edit a parameter that is under the control of a modifier. You can, if you turn on PC Reset. That's handy in the case where the modifier source is a pedal that is not currently connected and you want to change the value from the editor. But that's not the case you're asking about with scene controllers.
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