best way to amplify Axe-fx


New Member
Have an Ultra on order, very exciting. Have loads of amps, but in there I also have a crown stereo power amp, and a pair of Yamaha PA speakers. Any thoughts on how that might work, given the experience of folks here? I also have a pair of Boss powered studio monitors, how would they sound for home use? Alternatives?
thanks, Tony
fender1961 said:
Have an Ultra on order, very exciting. Have loads of amps, but in there I also have a crown stereo power amp, and a pair of Yamaha PA speakers. Any thoughts on how that might work, given the experience of folks here? I also have a pair of Boss powered studio monitors, how would they sound for home use? Alternatives?
thanks, Tony

I haven't tried either of your choices but if I were you, I would definately spend time those two options before spending any money.

The popular choice right now seems to be the FBT Verve 12ma but don't spend your money yet. Play with what you have first.
I'm very happy with the QSC HPR122i. Hearing music is great fun with them.

I am able to tweak my sound exactly like I want, because the QSCs don't color the sound.

If you are going FRFR you should take some time to learn how to use the ParaEQ for soundshaping and to correct the Fletcher-Munson-effect. I.e. a loud situation needs much more bass and then bedroom level to sound good. Keep in mind that i.e. a Mesa Rectifier has a deep fat bass response. To reproduce that sound your speaker should also deliver deep bass.

The results you get with the AxeFX can be absolutely outstanding. :D
DieSchmalle said:
I'm very happy with the QSC HPR122i. Hearing music is great fun with them.

I am able to tweak my sound exactly like I want, because the QSCs don't color the sound.

If you are going FRFR you should take some time to learn how to use the ParaEQ for soundshaping and to correct the Fletcher-Munson-effect. I.e. a loud situation needs much more bass and then bedroom level to sound good.
Other way around. Fletcher Munson dictates that the ears is more sensitive to mids at lower volume, so the bass and treble appear softer. Things sound dull and without balls. You have to add some bass and treble to get the same perception.
That's what the loudness buttons on stereo's do: they add bass and some treble and are supposed to be used at softer volume.
Keep in mind that i.e. a Mesa Rectifier has a deep fat bass response. To reproduce that sound your speaker should also deliver deep bass.

The results you get with the AxeFX can be absolutely outstanding. :D
That's all very true!

Basically the result you get from the Axe-FX is dependant on the quality of the speakers you use. Better speakers is better results. Try your current stuff and if it suffices for you then you're set. Going FRFR does take some tweaking. Basically you have to find the cab sims/mic sims combination that works best for you and that will probably differ for different purposes, tones and amps. The stock cabs offer quite a selection already, and there are over a thousand IR's (Impulse Response~cab sim) available floating around.
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