Best tone packs for the FM9


Hi there,

Fractal/FM9 newbie here. I'm not good at creating my own sounds, so I usually like to start with a great sounding base that I can tweak to my liking. I see that there are quite a few tone packs sold by vendors on these forums. Do you guys have experience with some of them in combination with the FM9 and which one(s) are really worth getting? It looks like the MF Rock pack and the Austinbuddy live gold tone pack offer some great sounds and flexibility, but the Austinbuddy pack is not cheap (or maybe it is if it's amazing...).
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imo the factory presets are all the tone packs one would need, though others I'm sure will disagree, Ive owned an AX8, FM3 and now the FM9 and have not needed 3rd party vendor patches. A few hours investment in working with FM9 will be well worth it for tonal payoff. also the preset exchange is very helpful as well.
imo the factory presets are all the tone packs one would need, though others I'm sure will disagree, Ive owned an AX8, FM3 and now the FM9 and have not needed 3rd party vendor patches. A few hours investment in working with FM9 will be well worth it for tonal payoff. also the preset exchange is very helpful as well.
Thank you. I've been testing the factory presets, but I find that many are just plain amp sounds which need some reverb, delay, etc. It seems to me that some tone packs (like the MF packs) offer more "complete" guitar sounds. I've been looking at the MF Rock pack and I don't think there are many of those sounds already in the factory presets (maybe except for the Leon Todd presets), but I might be mistaken.
I've been testing the factory presets, but I find that many are just plain amp sounds which need some reverb, delay, etc.
Most of the factory presets have effects blocks built into them. You just need to unbypass those blocks to get delay, chorus, or whatever effects are already built in. And almost all of the factory presets already have reverb enabled and ringing out.
Most of the factory presets have effects blocks built into them. You just need to unbypass those blocks to get delay, chorus, or whatever effects are already built in. And almost all of the factory presets already have reverb enabled and ringing out.
Thanks, I've been testing the different sounds by checking out every preset and then going into scenes and then switching to FX when I thought a particular scene was sounding good. Because there are so many sounds in the FM9 and they are not grouped by genre (another advantage when buying a tone pack), I even made a spreadsheet that shows the presets and scenes that I like for a particular guitar and what it reminds me of (like "blues lead for bridge pickup", or "rhythm guitar sound for Overkill from Men at work"). This is a time consuming process though, especially when you have more than one guitar and are looking for sounds for all of them. That's why I was wondering about tone packs. It seems that if I can buy a pack with - for example - rock lead sounds, I have a better starting point to start tweaking.

BTW Are the FX that I can turn on, different per preset or did Fractal just add the same chorus, delay, phaser, reverb, etc. per preset? I haven't checked that yet.
FWIW, this from the FM3 camp (although it will also work for FM9), but I'm loving the Austin Buddy Live Gold pack myself....
FWIW, this from the FM3 camp (although it will also work for FM9), but I'm loving the Austin Buddy Live Gold pack myself....
Thank you. Did you find it easier to find the sounds you liked with that pack (so, is it well organized?) compared to using the factory presets?
When I had my Axe 3 I used Develop device presets and the Modern Match in particular, was a great pack, had the TMA blocks in it and the Tones that were outta this world, Id never be able to create those tones on my own, dont have the time and need great tones for recording, he also has good IR's
When I had my Axe 3 I used Develop device presets and the Modern Match in particular, was a great pack, had the TMA blocks in it and the Tones that were outta this world, Id never be able to create those tones on my own, dont have the time and need great tones for recording, he also has good IR's
Thanks for the tip!
imo the factory presets are all the tone packs one would need, though others I'm sure will disagree, Ive owned an AX8, FM3 and now the FM9 and have not needed 3rd party vendor patches. A few hours investment in working with FM9 will be well worth it for tonal payoff. also the preset exchange is very helpful as well.
I agree 110%
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