Best site for used strats?

I have an LsL I like quite a bit... Suhr's are great as well, of the few S-style I've played. I think it's tough to buy a guitar at the upper end of the spectrum sight-unseen. You're paying a lot and expecting a lot, and I've played plenty of high end makes that didn't do it for me. I think buy used at the right price and flip them until you find the one that hits you. Or.. find them local to you where you can play them first. I've played for 25 years and I've grown picky with time. I don't like switching pickups and all that stuff anymore. I'd rather find a guitar that sums up as built. Just my $.02
I have an LsL I like quite a bit... Suhr's are great as well, of the few S-style I've played. I think it's tough to buy a guitar at the upper end of the spectrum sight-unseen. You're paying a lot and expecting a lot, and I've played plenty of high end makes that didn't do it for me. I think buy used at the right price and flip them until you find the one that hits you. Or.. find them local to you where you can play them first. I've played for 25 years and I've grown picky with time. I don't like switching pickups and all that stuff anymore. I'd rather find a guitar that sums up as built. Just my $.02

I agree with the above post, if you want a more vintage-y vibe LSL is the tits... something a little more modern the Suhr takes the cake, both are excellent and south of $2k if bought used... a nice Suhr C1 is on TGP and the same with a LSL Saticoy... both great guitars for the $$$
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