Best presets to buy for FM9?


Hi, I just recieved met FM9 Turbo. I want to quickstart and buy some GOOD presets that get me a good feel and sound instantly, and move on from there. I've worked with the Axe fx in 2016, since than move to kemper and now back to the fractal family. I'm looking @ Fremen and Austin Buddy and off course MF also. But would love to hear your experiences and recommendations. I'm trying to avoid a bulk load of presets but rather look for a real good selection (marshall, fender sounds)

Besides that I've worked with the Axe-fx II/III,helix, kemper stage, atomic, boss units so I'm no newby in modelling and accustomed with IR use etcc... but there is so much out there than I try narrowing the selection.

I'm looking for FM9 specific presets also for cygnus

Meanwhile I'll start building some stuff out from scratch, but i presume that there are others (professionals) more capable than me, so here we are ... ;-)


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    Schermafbeelding 2022-08-30 om 08.05.45.png
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The stock presets are really good and many of them actually are created by the usual preset vendors.

I’d see what you feel is lacking with the stock stuff before buying additional as I find I don’t even need to tweak them, just spot on Fenders etc right from the box
--THIS-- FAS factory presets are not like other modelers, they actually sound good and a lot of them are useable as-is. Quite a bit of attention is paid to the factory presets and it shows. Spend a couple of minutes playing through a few of them each time you turn on the FM9.
As mentioned the factory presets are great and the preset exchange site has some really good stuff, but FWIW I recommend learning how to use the unit and making your own presets, especially since you’re not a noob to modelling. Use the library function to save blocks (whether from factory presets or your own) and when you want a new preset / scene you can just load in blocks that are already tweaked to your liking so you can very quickly build new presets.
@2112 and @Burgs have some great presets at no cost. @simeon and @guitarnerdswe have provided some great delays and other time based effects at no cost as well.

I'm not against purchasing presets but have found that presets created by others, paid for or not, typically require some tweaking to get them to sound the way I want them to, which often includes swapping out IRs. I was, quite frankly, very surprised that I had to do less tweaking of the factory presets than any of the presets I've purchased which is why I'll suggest them first to those looking to buy presets.
Check out factory presets. They’re great.

Find an amp/cab combo you like in a preset and save those to your block library. Find a delay you like and save that. Same with reverb, etc. Then build your own preset by importing those. Suuuuper simple and you end up with a killer preset customized for you and having done no tweaking. Then tweak a little as needed.
Check out factory presets. They’re great.

Find an amp/cab combo you like in a preset and save those to your block library. Find a delay you like and save that. Same with reverb, etc. Then build your own preset by importing those. Suuuuper simple and you end up with a killer preset customized for you and having done no tweaking. Then tweak a little as needed.
The Block Library is a great tool and time saver.
Controversial I know but , I don’t think people should sell presets. You can’t garrante your customer will get a good experience due to the fluctuations we all know so much about.
When it comes to individual presets, I would agree for the most part but find it reasonable to sell individual presets when they are "official" presets from a specific artist. I can see asking for some compensation in order the get their 'exact' tone.

However, when it comes to 3rd party presets, most of the vendors I've seen sell preset bundles. If we agree that time is valuable, the time it takes to create these preset bundles is worth some compensation. The top vendors also update their presets when firmware versions have any significant affect on existing presets at no cost which is good customer service and business practice.

Additionally, I can't imagine the number of support emails they receive and spend even more time addressing when people have problems with getting the tones their customers expected. I doubt it's all unicorns and rainbows after someone buys their presets.

I don't begrudge anyone for buying or selling presets. Some people just don't want to spend the time creating presets and most understand that there will likely be some tweaking involved but they receive presets that offer a good starting point. They're not lazy or incompetent, they figure their time is better spent doing other things. Others love to tweak and create presets so they have an outlet that lets them do what they enjoy while being paid for their time.
Oh man, we have this conversation over and over again. That's on us not you!

I bought the Austin Buddy Naked Amp preset pack because I wanted starting points for every amp, already dialed in a consistent way. I found it useful and it saved me a ton of time. Sure, I tweaked every preset I used, but I learned a great deal about how to create presets from scratch. No way I would ever have time to do that with all the amps in the fractal! Too busy making music.

I haven't found all that many useful things on Axe exchange, but I agree that factory presets have many useful tones, In fact when I got my FM9 last week, I took it to practice and used all factory presets, definitely a first for me.
Hi, I just recieved met FM9 Turbo. I want to quickstart and buy some GOOD presets that get me a good feel and sound instantly, and move on from there. I've worked with the Axe fx in 2016, since than move to kemper and now back to the fractal family. I'm looking @ Fremen and Austin Buddy and off course MF also. But would love to hear your experiences and recommendations. I'm trying to avoid a bulk load of presets but rather look for a real good selection (marshall, fender sounds)

Besides that I've worked with the Axe-fx II/III,helix, kemper stage, atomic, boss units so I'm no newby in modelling and accustomed with IR use etcc... but there is so much out there than I try narrowing the selection.

I'm looking for FM9 specific presets also for cygnus

Meanwhile I'll start building some stuff out from scratch, but i presume that there are others (professionals) more capable than me, so here we are ... ;-)
The FM9 factory presets were just updated for the latest firmware so start there. The factory presets are not like the ones you’d find on other companies’ modelers; Fractal works hard to make sure they sound good and are practical, and often demonstrate some useful techniques for programming the unit. An important thing to remember is to audition the presets at stage volume, 90+ dB using good quality speakers or headphones that are equalized correctly. The Factory Presets page in the Wiki is a good resource too.

Otherwise, Leon Todd (@2112 ), @Cooper Carter, @Burgs, @Marco Fanton, @austinbuddy are the ones I use for inspiration and to grab blocks from.
Hi, I just recieved met FM9 Turbo. I want to quickstart and buy some GOOD presets that get me a good feel and sound instantly, and move on from there. I've worked with the Axe fx in 2016, since than move to kemper and now back to the fractal family. I'm looking @ Fremen and Austin Buddy and off course MF also. But would love to hear your experiences and recommendations. I'm trying to avoid a bulk load of presets but rather look for a real good selection (marshall, fender sounds)

Besides that I've worked with the Axe-fx II/III,helix, kemper stage, atomic, boss units so I'm no newby in modelling and accustomed with IR use etcc... but there is so much out there than I try narrowing the selection.

I'm looking for FM9 specific presets also for cygnus

Meanwhile I'll start building some stuff out from scratch, but i presume that there are others (professionals) more capable than me, so here we are ... ;-)

Hi Leslie1975: Welcome to Fractal Land! It's truly the best, most accurate digital models on the planet - and a deep machine.

What kind of sounds are you looking for? What guitars will you be playing when you use this stuff? That can help narrow where you look. There is plenty of free stuff out there to sample from some of the names Greg mentioned above, as well as vendors.

In mine, I try do a few preset scenes for every amp model, so people can hear what each can do and more easily audition tones. It's like doing a a lot of the work for you. My niche, and I'm more a vintage amp and classic rock tone guy at heart.

But in the end, your fingers, your guitars, your ears, your playback system - as you know -- will dictate what you like as is and what you'll need to tweak to get that last mile.
Hi Leslie1975: Welcome to Fractal Land! It's truly the best, most accurate digital models on the planet - and a deep machine.

What kind of sounds are you looking for? What guitars will you be playing when you use this stuff? That can help narrow where you look. There is plenty of free stuff out there to sample from some of the names Greg mentioned above, as well as vendors.

In mine, I try do a few preset scenes for every amp model, so people can hear what each can do and more easily audition tones. It's like doing a a lot of the work for you. My niche, and I'm more a vintage amp and classic rock tone guy at heart.

But in the end, your fingers, your guitars, your ears, your playback system - as you know -- will dictate what you like as is and what you'll need to tweak to get that last mile.
Hi, thanks for your reply.

It's welcome BACK to fractal land after owning the AXE-FX Ultra, II and III... and i must say that cygnus is a great improvement in comparison with the first AXE FX III firmware i used in the past. ! Well done Fractal! I sold my axe-fx III because i wasn't 100% convinced of the sound/feel and I prefer floorunits. that simple.

I play with strats mostly (SSS and SSH configuration). Vintage amps an old rock too here. Typical actually: Fender bassman 59 clean and marshal J45 lead are mostly my favorites. What i DON'T like are harsh agressive treble sounds.

I find it quite a challenge to get good clean sounds programmed, more specifically to get the feel and punch just right for me. (i play around with the amp dynamics section , input, and compression blocks.)

I am here now:
After setting up the fc control layouts as needed I Programmed 5 base sounds now: JM45 / JS410 /Old plexi /Acoustic simulation / 59 bassman. tweaked to my liking using stock and some custom IR's.
My case and expression pedals are ordered, so ready to go almost. Meanwhile my kemper does the job well.

I always look for some great real life feel and sounding stuff like this. (fender, bogner shiva and marshall amps preferred) Really don't need a lot, just really really good stuff with the right cab combined, that feels and sounds great and let me feel like i can't stop playing. I'm sure you know what i mean! It's all in those small details for me! Getting a sound is pretty easy, getting it to feel AND sound great is more a challenge.

Can you put a selection togheter or point me in the right direction through your packages?
Hello everyone. Correct me if I'm wrong... I go to the number where I want to save the preset, import preset. I got this from the picture, use current, import, and that's it? Thanks


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Was interested to read this thread, as I received my FM9 today...I already have Helix and Kemper Stage, both of which are great, but as I just said to some friends, the FM9 is the first one that has absolutely brilliant presets already loaded. I really am very impressed, and for anyone new to modelling, I would start by assuring you that the Fractal ones are about as good as you'll get, straight out of the box.
I'm a big fan of Silent Underground Studio. I do agree that the factory presets in the FM9 are MUCH better than the ones in the 2XL+, but I very much like the way Silent Underground sets up the flow and uses the features. I learned a lot by looking into how they manage gain and effect levels across scenes.
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