Best Nearfields to use with Axe FX?

Hey guys!

I'm becoming a solely bedroom player for the most part, and the Axe FX through nearfields is going to be my "rig", for practice and recording.

I currently have a pair of KRK Rokit 5' very first monitors, and I'm ready to upgrade them.

What have you found to be the best for this application? I'd like to use them for referencing on recording (obviously), but most important to me is that it respond well to the Axe FX.

My co-guitarist runs the KRK Rokit 8's, and they sound heaps better than the 5's IMO. He has the originals....would these be good enough? Are the new G2's worth the upgrade? I've also considered going all out, and getting something like the Adam A7X's, though I'm not sure it will be worth the huge spike in cost for my applications...

Finally, would a sub be at all useful in this application?

Thanks much

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I've heard good things about the Genelec's as well. Personally I use and like Dynaudio BM5A's, but would have gotten BM6A's (preferably version 1's) if I had the cash.
never underestimate the power of a (really) good monitor.
the Adam A7x are a fine choice, probably more neutral than the more 'sweet' sounding Genelecs.
depends on what you're looking for in a monitor, really.
a very complex subject, do a lot of listening, take your time. it's a very personal choice.

for guitar-heavy work, you don't really need a sub if you have decent sized monitors. if you play on top of hiphop/techno/dubstep etc loops, a sub will make sense, tho.
I have the Rokit 8's and I like them, but in hindsight I wish I had spent the extra coin and gone with the Yamaha HS80Ms. They are AMAZING - super Hi-Fi sounding and loud as hell.
I have the Rokit 8's and I like them, but in hindsight I wish I had spent the extra coin and gone with the Yamaha HS80Ms. They are AMAZING - super Hi-Fi sounding and loud as hell.

Uh, is it just me, or are "nearfield monitors" and "super hi-fi sounding" completely incompatible and mutually exclusive?
Uh, is it just me, or are "nearfield monitors" and "super hi-fi sounding" completely incompatible and mutually exclusive?

Not really, since I was obviously speaking in the context of monitors, which I thought was pretty obvious.

High fidelity or hi-fi is most commonly a term for the high-quality reproduction of sound or images.

Perhaps I should have worded it as "Clearer sounding than the Rokit 8's". The 8's are great monitors, but they have a lot of extra bass to them. By comparison, the HS80s just sounded clearer, crisper, and more defined when I A/B'd them to death in the store, by a very large margin.

Nonsense aside, OP, if your co-guitarist is using Rokit 8's, you would probably be better off matching what he has so that your sound blends well. If you pick up something else, there's a good chance that his monitors will have more bass response than yours, even with the same settings.
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