Best Cab To Audition Amps With?


Is there a "go-to" cab that you use to audition amps with? Said another way, is there a cab that works well with any amp? Or when trying out new amps, is it really best to try and match the amp with the appropriate cab? Just curious what best practices the experts recommend?
I always choose an appropriate cab first when creating a tone.

Many listen to the amps with the default cab selected - 1x6 oval.

So definitely choose a cab first :)
I like to audition an amp sim with a cab sim that i'm familiar with. Marshal type sim ether a vintage 30 or greenback 25 type sim etc etc.
The wiki sometimes has 20+ recommendations for cabs so I'm wondering what the workflow is... Pick an amp, then try out 20 cabs and pick 1, and then start tweaking cab and amp parameters? Or do folks have another way of going through this audition process? Is there a cab that kinda works well regardless of amp? A sort of go-to test cab?
The wiki sometimes has 20+ recommendations for cabs so I'm wondering what the workflow is... Pick an amp, then try out 20 cabs and pick 1, and then start tweaking cab and amp parameters? Or do folks have another way of going through this audition process? Is there a cab that kinda works well regardless of amp? A sort of go-to test cab?

Not one cab IR for me for auditioning.

For Fenders and Voxes, if the amp is a combo amp, I pick the mix IR from the actual amp. If the amp is a head, I pick a 2x12 Vox cab for the Voxes and a 2x12, 4x10 for the Fenders.

For all Marshall type amps I audition with the TV mix IR. I used to own that one so I know about what it sounds like. I sometimes start with the mix basketweave too since I know that one.

For the others, if there is not a matching mix IR, E.g. Dumble Cab IR with Dumble Amp Model, I make an educated guess as to 1x, 2x12 or 4x12.

I would say the Mesa cabinet with v30s is pretty versatile. The other two are the jay Mitchell far field IRs. One of those three should get you where you eat to go. A Marshall cab with v30s might be a good choice. Of course I am assuming you want to demo all the amps from clean to metal. It is better for find a good metal IR than sounds good for clean, because all the ideal clean IRs get way too fizzy (in a bad way) for heavy metal sounds. If you don't play metal then pick your favorite Marshall IR and roll with it.
I usually pick a recommended cab from the wiki page and go from there. However I do find that the Recto cabs work with almost anything for some reason.
Don't be too quick to just pick any cab. In my opinion the cab is the most important part of the tone. The sound of the amp will change drastically based on what cab you pick. It all depends on what tone you're going for.
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