Best amp modeller?

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Clockwork Creep

Power User
Here's a fun flame topic.
What is the best amp modeller out there? Hardware or software. Let's not talk about any other features, but modelling of amps.
And I am not talking about which one sounds the best, as that is subjective. So let's put that aside.
I'm talking about modeling accuracy. Which one of them sounds and feels the closest to the actual amps they model?
I am on an Axe FX forum, so sure, I expect people to say "It's axe Fx, of course!". But is it really?

If you believe it's the axe FX, How do you know?
Every single amp modelling company says that they are the best. So, how do you know that you are not just a victim of good marketing?
Even when listening to comparisons, how do you know you are not persuaded by your bias towards the axe Fx created by their marketing?
Honesly, Is your thought process ever like "This one sounds the best, so of course, it's the Axe-FX" or "This one is the Axe FX, so it sounds the best"?. The same kind of logic that Tube purist apply when trying to find a real amp among modellers.

even within fractal itself: With every single release, I imagine, this mindset may be common: "It sounds just like the real thing now! Fractal is nr1! The old model? Nah, that sounds not as alive, it sounds digital" and repeat.

I've been watching some blind amp modeller comparisons on youtube. Different shades of grey. I like some tones more than others, but it says nothing about how accurate they are or how they feel...

why do we need a flame topic at all? this is just a trap.

I expect people to say "It's axe Fx, of course!". But is it really?

there is no absolute best in anything, in any industry. every time the word "best" is used, it is implied to add "for me."

what is the best speaker (for me)?
what is the best modeler (for me)?
what is the best computer (for me)?

and so on.
I've come to understand this to be roughly the general consensus (even outside of these forums) for the main hardware units:
  1. Axe-fx 3
  2. Kemper
  3. Axe-fx II
  4. Helix
I've no idea if that's accurate or not, but I've got the one at the top, so I'm not worried about it. :tearsofjoy:
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