Bass tuner request/different instrument setting

Should the axe include a setting for different instruments?

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Fractal Fanatic
I LOVE how quick and accurate the tuner is for guitar! But we all know how much trouble we bassists have with it....especially the low A, E and B strings. This is less than ideal. I read somewhere on the forum that having the tuning changed to accommodate this in an update would make the tuner slower all round, even for guitar. This is less than ideal as well. I'm suggesting a 'global' type setting in the axe that's optimized for use with say, 10 different instruments. This would be somewhat similar to the VG-99 where selecting an instrument would recall settings such as string sensitivity and scale length, etc.
While the VG-99 certainly needs a setting like this WAY more than the axe, a setting like this would make things easier and a little more controlled.

The setting would optimize the axe for each instrument for say, pickup impedance or dropped tunings (or bass), allowing the user to select how the axe algorithms respond to the instrument being plugged in. This should also even things off a bit across the board, allowing different guitars or basses to maximize their tonal characteristics.

Another option is, instead of having 10 user defined settings for 10 different instruments, have just a couple generic ones, for say, active bass, passive bass, active guitar, passive guitar, piezo guitar, piezo bass, and within each, have an option to select hum-bucker or single coils. except for the piezo options of course.

I own both a piezo bass and active guitar (as well as one with optical pickups), so I'm imagining that there are other users out there with similar instruments as well.
hmmmm, another good option might be to add in a page to the 'tuner' you can select either guitar or bass on that page, if you select bass, it will take a little longer, but will get those low strings, if you select guitar, it will be much faster but won't read the low strings well. I think something this simple should be a breeze to implement in the next update, and will provide some immediate results for bassists, especially those who use the axe live.

I think having different settings for different guitars is quite inevitable tho. I just thought of using it as a vocal fx, as well as using it with orchestral instruments and banjos for something I have to produce. Having a global setting would DEFINITELY help with something like that.....the more people using the axe, the more uses people will find for it, and I see it replacing a lot of studio fx boxes....i know most of mine are collecting dust now! LOL :lol:
As jon mentioned, non-global parameters would be a better option and one that's been discussed for a while. I wouldn't want a global latency setting for bass if there are only a couple of things I want the latency lengthened for.

While there's all sorts of things we'd like to see added for bassists, a working tuner option is probably one of the most important, if only to show other potential customers that Fractal does think that bassists are a valid user base and that they care about their needs as much as guitarists.
I'd like to be able to set up custom offsets for each neck (in my case A6 and E13).
Is there something wrong with tuning with the 12th fret harmonic?
Certainly beats doing it the way I was taught 35 years ago - with a pitch fork...

I don't think it's an overall latency issue that's the problem - I think it's more the amount of each note you need to sample to establish its pitch at 30-odd hertz - and then the response you'd see as you change the tuning.
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