Bass Safety


This might be a laughable question for the people less new to the world of modellers and FRFR, but I'd appreciate someone setting my mind at ease. Essentially, my stepdad wants to play his bass through my Axe FX and powered PA speaker. Not being a bass player, and remembering warnings about basses blowing up amps, I wanted to be certain I wasn't risking any damage. I guess what I'm asking is:

Will the Axe be fine? (I can't see why it wouldn't be, but better safe than sorry)
Will the PA speaker be fine? (Its power amp is set to 10 o'clock, so presuming PAs are able to handle bass frequencies well, I'd imagine it wouldn't be clipping)
Any safety and tone tips?

I realise I might sound a bit paranoid, but I'd seriously cry if I damaged my rig. Thanks in advance!
Playing bass will not damage your Axe-FX. There is even an Ampeg SVT amp and a couple of Bass cab IR's included.

As for your PA speaker. If you exceed it's limits, you could damage it for sure. But if you're prudent, there is no reason it wouldn't work very well.
Make a patch on the Axe-FX with the compressor to control the dynamics, especially if you do lot's of slap style bass playing, to help protect the PA speakers.
I've been playing my bass through guitar processors for 23 years and never had a problem. I think that rumor may have started with one piece of gear that was overly sensitive or had trouble handling bass, and that person told someone else and they told someone else, etc... I've never run across a piece of gear that couldn't handle both. That doesn't mean they don't exist, but I'd imagine it's extremely rare to find one.
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