Basement rehearsal space

If you are playing originals then fans represents a difficult chicken and egg issue. You can try to build a base locally on social media but this can be a long slow (glacial paced) slog.

If you are in a cover band then you don't necessarily need fans. You need to judiciously pick the songs you are going to cover. Then rehearse them until you nail them. Then create recordings of a good sample of the material you are covering so you can give it to venue gatekeepers. When you do book shows make sure to get some live video to add to your web/social media presence.

Here is a little known secret for any cover band. We got the vast majority of our private event gigs by dropping off a flyer with our web address (which had song lists, samples and videos) to local catering companies.

Think about it who do corporate event planners, wedding planners, party planners, etc. go to first. We even offered them a booking fee if their recommendation resulted in a booked gig.

You're Welcome!
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