Bareknuckle aftermath Rock test (DR.Z. Patch content)


Hello all been awhile!
Decided to do a test of my fairly new bareknuckle A-Math in a not so typical hot ceramic enviorment. Just a little rock test with the RGA 121 And forgive my slash impersination at the end its not my style of music! anyways tear it apart and let me know what you think!
any thoughts on the mix, tone composition etc.
Amp model is the DR.Z through the 25w cab

P.S. An excuse to make a soundcloud finally!
I liked it. A lot. Sounds really meaty in a low-gain way; I'd not thought to use that amp model that way, and you made it work really well. Impressed!
Hello all been awhile!
Decided to do a test of my fairly new bareknuckle A-Math in a not so typical hot ceramic enviorment. Just a little rock test with the RGA 121 And forgive my slash impersination at the end its not my style of music! anyways tear it apart and let me know what you think!
any thoughts on the mix, tone composition etc.
Amp model is the DR.Z through the 25w cab

P.S. An excuse to make a soundcloud finally!

Sounds pretty awesome man. My only suggestion would be to have some more active cymbal work going on in the verse sections to livin' it up a little, but that is just my opinion. All in all, an excellent showing. :)
Nice! I just ordered an aftermath for some extreme metal application, can't wait to hear it. Bare knuckles make some of the best sounding pickups I've heard
Sounds nice. The more I hear those pickups the more I think they sound just like DiMarzio EVOs.

i agree with (Bigness) on this one, It has a very uniquie character it might have alot of low-mid like the evo but i think thats where the similaritys end.
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I liked it. A lot. Sounds really meaty in a low-gain way; I'd not thought to use that amp model that way, and you made it work really well. Impressed!

Thanks man! have allways enjoyed your tones as well! I really just stumbled upon this amp write before tracking this little mix. I like tone stacking the DR.Z ontop of the Recto as well.
it really has alot less gain then it sounds like you can when i do that little pinch harmonic or attempt at one lol.
the bass is whats nasty and dirty and makes the mix the guitars some more saturated. bass is axe fx as well btw!
Nice! I just ordered an aftermath for some extreme metal application, can't wait to hear it. Bare knuckles make some of the best sounding pickups I've heard

Agreed man! Love them and will not stray from them in any guitar. What tone wood is yours going in? The pickups have a pretty strong low mid character, Also there very very sensetive to pickup height just like any other BK these like to be rather high! they will be perfect for you though.
Well I have a basswood ibanez RGD it's the 26.5" scale hardtail they came out with. I tried a bare knuckle holydiver after it was recommended by them, but it was a little too compressed and not as tight as I wanted. Then I was pointed to the aftermath by quite a few guys including the bare knuckles team. So hopefully it's a good match.
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