Backup problem (SOLVED)


Hey guys, I seem to be having a problem with backups not finishing. I start a backup and the progress indicator goes all the way to 100% then goes back to 0% and just hangs there. The Browse and Begin buttons are still grayed out like it's doing something but it never finishes still saying "Now Receiving: Bank A". It happens trying any bank or the system backup. I've tried it on two different computers (Win10 DAW and Win7 laptop) with the same result.

I've had almost no issues with any of the USB communications from day 1 (this is a Mark I that I bought new). This just started happening with the Q9 firmwares. I did get it to work once after reinstalling the USB drivers but now it just hangs again. Reinstall of the drivers isn't working this time either.

Anyone else? Any ideas?

Tried that too. I exhaust as many possibilities as i can think of before I start asking :sunglasses: It does actually succeed at backing up an individual preset. Also I got out the bigger hammer last night and rolled back to 8.02 and did a System Reset and it still bombs the same way so I guess it's not a firmware issue, just a coincidence :veryconfused: When I tried my Win7 laptop it was with a different USB cable so that doesn't seem to be an issue. I'm stumped but backups are important.
Well I think I found the problem. I got to thinking and it was about the time my backups started failing that I updated my Win10 computer to the Creators update. I was able to roll that back and eureka, backups work flawlessly again. Thanks Bill for wasting hours of my life yet again :rage: As far as my Win7 laptop exhibiting the same behavior, I think that was due to the previous version of Fractal-Bot and that's what threw me off.
I had that issue, and I replaced my USB cable with a good quality one, and that resolved the issue for me.

The ones I had been using had come free with a printer, so I ended up buying a better quality one and haven't had that probem since.
I have a nice cable I bought for my audio desk and never had any problems before this update. Still not much of Win10 fan anyway. I've given it a chance just so I'm not that old guy not giving something new a chance, but I still prefer the simplicity, control, and stability in Win7.
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