AXFX2 + Bogner Duende 4CM Help/Hints


Yes, I did read the ******* manual (several times) but unfortunately I am also really ******* stupid so your help is very appreciated.

I'm connecting my AXFX2 with my Bogner Duende using the 4CM.

My setup is:

guitar out ---> Axe rear input

Axe output 2 --> amp main input

amp fx send --> Axe input 2

Axe output 1 --> amp fx return.

The Bogner speaker out is obviously connected to my cabinet.

I am using instrument cables throughout.

I went ahead and followed the wiki how-to steps to set up my levels.

However I am puzzled because as soon as I engage the FX Loop block I notice that the volume decreases dramatically. I can barely hear the guitar.

I know a volume decrease is expected but I can't seem to get it back up.

Input 1 works fine and the meter reading leds on the front panel hit the red infrequently (only when I hit the strings hard)

However Input 2 is stuck at the first (bottom) green light and I've raised input 1 and input 2 volumes and I can't get it to go any higher.

I believe the Duende has a series FX loop: "This is a series none bypass able tube buffered effects loop between pre- and power amp.The “send” connects to your effects input and the “return” to your effects output. This loop is designed to work with instrument level pedals. Line level effect units that feature in- and output level or at least one of those controls should work just fine as well." (from the manual).

Do you guys have any advice for me?

Thanks in advance.
you'd be surprised ;)

except for the amp to cab, i'm gonna assume.

did you turn up the output 2 knob on the front panel?

Many thanks Chris, you're a great resource.

Yep, speaker cable going from amp 8 ohm out to my 8 ohm cabinet.

I had the output 2 knob on the front almost all the way up..


I'm gonna double check again this afternoon before I bug you and the other experts any further.

Thanks again for the help. I'll check back.
If you have any kind of mixer, you can test the effects loop out of your amp into that mixer and see what kind of sound registers. NOT speaker out of course.

Also test your guitar straight into Input 2 on the axe to test that.

I'm assuming there is no volume on the amp for the FX loop?
Hey Chris... guess what... IT WAS THE OUTPUT 2 VOLUME KNOB.... ugh... I'm sooo stupid..... sorry for wasting your time.

Basically I'm like the Hefner of gear: married to three Playmates (AXFX2, Bogner, plus nice guitar) but it is not clear that I'm up to using any of them properly, let alone all three at once.

Thanks for your help! I'm off to enjoy :)
Hey Chris... guess what... IT WAS THE OUTPUT 2 VOLUME KNOB.... ugh... I'm sooo stupid..... sorry for wasting your time.

Basically I'm like the Hefner of gear: married to three Playmates (AXFX2, Bogner, plus nice guitar) but it is not clear that I'm up to using any of them properly, let alone all three at once.

Thanks for your help! I'm off to enjoy :)

Haha awesome analogy!
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