AxeLive Update

The new set list isn't working for me. Clicking on Show does nothing (perhaps because I only have one show and one set list?) In the Set List, clicking on the song titles does not change the preset on the AX8. (Set List is essentially just a static list; not interactive.) Under Songs, I can set the cues (as well as other editing); but when I go back to the Set List, nothing happens. The keyboard arrows do nothing as well.

Previous version did work; so something's changed. I'm on Windows 10. Oh, and when I switch from Set List to Presets, those do properly change the AX8; so it's just in Set List that I'm having a problem.

I also have some problems with new setlist.
I think it’s great but it doesn’t work perfectly.
For instance I have some problem with my tablet using touch commands.
With mouse it works.
Maybe you should check the code.
Anyway it’s a great improvement!
The set list seems to be working perfectly as intended, however i think i need to document it better or maybe add some sort of "tips" on how to use it as it seems to be what's confusing some users.

AxeLive is not meant for touch screens so there's nothing wrong with the code but i'll add some support for touch screen on the set list.
The set list seems to be working perfectly as intended, however i think i need to document it better or maybe add some sort of "tips" on how to use it as it seems to be what's confusing some users.

AxeLive is not meant for touch screens so there's nothing wrong with the code but i'll add some support for touch screen on the set list.

That would be very welcome, thanks.
guess there's still no fix to the broken graphic? Uninstalled, cleared appdata folder(windows 10), re-downloaded. Still broken graphics. I did donate, FWIW.
Thanks for the update. Oh, and I finally figured out what I was doing wrong with the set list, and I've got it working now.
@Nero, I really hope you keep developing this tool. Working with your realistic UI is just so much more inspiring to me. I create all my basic sounds in AxeLive. Then I may switch to AX8edit for the more technical programming.
hello everyone, i've just found this new app that seems a great add on to the Ax8... sorry if this has already been discussed: is there an app that can be installed on iPad? where can i find it? or is it only for mac/windows?

If it's a simple thing to do, an option to have the program save the current window size would be nice. Each time I open the program, I have to first resize the window before I start working with my setlist. If it's not a simple thing to do, that's okay; it doesn't take long to resize. But since I switch back and forth between AxeLive and AX8Edit while working on presets, it would be a helpful feature to have.

Thanks again for making this available.
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