AxeII vs MarkV

The LCR-EQ in the Marks sits between pre- and power amp. On the AxeFx this is not possible to do yet.... ;)
Didn't someone try using two amp blocks with the EQ in between? One set to pre-amp and the other to power amp only or something?

I'm no expert on the Marks so I can't really comment on it even if I tried it out.
I actually sold a bunch of stuff to get the Axe FX II, and then sold the Axe FX II. I now have a Mark V and could not be more happy. Different strokes for different folks!
I have also sold all of equipment my suggestion is to take a look at all the things you own and if there is anything else you can sell that you don't need get rid of it. Thus way you could possibly keep your amp. I'm kind of in the same situation I'm thinking of selling a few things to get an eleven rack for back up encase something happens to my Axe. How do you like the Eleven rack?
How do you like the Eleven rack?

It's a great little unit. Easily can get some very nice sounds with it. One of the cool things about it is how well it takes pedals. You can dial in a clean amp model and run your pedalboard right into it just like an amp. I know that's possible with the Axe too, but my impression is that, for some reason, the Eleven Rack excels at this. I did a whole gig with it once instead of my tube amp, running pedals into the front. It was the first time I was truly satisfied using a modeler direct.

Until the AxeII, that is. :)
I admit, I wasn't quite ready for the Ultra when I bought it.

I had to sell it a few months after, but kept researching on the forum here and learned a ton of useful info which I started making notes for when I'd be able to get my Axe II.

Now that I've had the Axe II for over a year, I can safely say I'm never going back to heavy, expensive, loud tube amps again.
Not that they were bad, the Axe is just SO much better.

It's the present and the future. With the great guys at FAS and here on the forum, you just can't buy that kind of dedication and support.

just my .02
If I'm not mistaken, Cliff stated that this will not affect the tone produced that much, so I don't think it is necessary to put the eq between pre and power amp

on lower mv settings = yes, on higher mv settings = nope! (since there is a lot of power amp emulation on the axefxII ;)

Plus - it's not a normal five band gyrator-type 1 octave EQ, it's an LCR EQ, means - there is no constant Q (resulting in not constant bandwidth when the EQ slider is at his endpoints, Q inc- or decrease with the position of the slider). I guess this is implemented.....but IMO you get different results using these after or before poweramp (always depends on your poweramp settings influences)
on lower mv settings = yes, on higher mv settings = nope!

For me, I never ran my Mark V at a higher master volume setting. Typically, it would have been around 11:00 or so, no more. Channel volumes were in the 9:30-11:00 range. Doubt there was much power amp involvement there. The Boogies are all about preamp distortion anyway. So having the 5 band after it really doesn't affect me. Even so, it's close enough and I have to say, good enough to have made me scratch my head wondering why I bothered having the real thing sitting here, unused.

It was a damn cool amp, and even though I'm sorry to have let it go, the Axe more than replaced it. I can now get that same tone at levels that aren't going to wake anyone up at night. Plus endless others.
The Mark V is a awesome amp, but isnt it just a modler in a sence with the Mark I, Mark II C+, Mark IIV modes?
And althouth these modes do sound good they dont always measure up to there real counter parts. There real counter parts are much more open sounding. That being said I still have my IV but have not used it in a while been in my storage facility, but I just cant part with it. I forget what I have in it right at the momnent but enjoy swapping tubes to see what I can come up with, the right mix of preamp tubes can make all three channels sing for me. There were times were Channel 2 was the weak channel for me but a Tung Sol (of some sort) in the V2 scoket solved that problem. Also my Mark Iv has a bit of a Bias control to it. It started at work when the tech found two sets of RCA matched 6L6's probally from the sixties and yes I put them in, outer sockets were running a bit hot with the RCA's. So my amp tech put in a varitable resister so I could adjust the bias to some degree. Bottom line this IV and I have to much time invested with each other.

Having a bit of trouble with the USA Lead amps the latest firmware update though - it seems quite quiet (obviously not a huge issue) in comparison to other amps, and I feel like I am having to crank the Input Drive/Overdrive way more than I used to, and it feels a little different. What do you think I've missed?

(This is for a hi-gain rhythm tone)

Any thoughts on this chaps? I managed to get the gain up to reasonable level for metal (JP like rhythms) but it just doesn't feel "smooth"... I know the gain structure on Marks are a bit fiddly!

Also, retarded question alert, the new 5-band EQ is to be placed between Amp and Cab slots, yes?
Any thoughts on this chaps? I managed to get the gain up to reasonable level for metal (JP like rhythms) but it just doesn't feel "smooth"... I know the gain structure on Marks are a bit fiddly!

Also, retarded question alert, the new 5-band EQ is to be placed between Amp and Cab slots, yes?

Not sure why it isn't smooth for you. It is for me. Although that may depend on how you define smooth. :)

You can put the EQ before or after the cab. Makes no real difference. Although between amp and cab makes logical sense.
Actually, before or after the cab does make a tonal difference when I am setting up presets. Try it and see.

I never liked the Mesa's I have owned, there was always something about them I could not get used to. But I use all the Mesa models in the AxeII now, Triaxis through MarkIV and Recitifiers. Just a ton more possibilities and control. You can morph them into your ideal Mesa. That is not for everybody, but for me, it keeps me happy.
So I am in the same boat as many of you....purchased my AF2 in June. I have a Mark V head and 2x12 recto cab, with G-system limited. Sold the G-System last week. But I am finding it hard to part ways with my Mark V. Amazing tones, smooth, tight, crisp tones. One of the best tube amps I've played and owned. But I can't play it at home, it's dust covers have been on it since the day my AF2 arrived. Already used the AF2 for 2 gigs, and it rawks live. Can't see myself going back at this point.

BTW, I found that my favorite hi-gain tone in the AF2 is a Slo100.....I do like the USA's but, man that Slo100 is just crazy good sounding to me.
So I am in the same boat as many of you....purchased my AF2 in June. I have a Mark V head and 2x12 recto cab, with G-system limited. Sold the G-System last week. But I am finding it hard to part ways with my Mark V. Amazing tones, smooth, tight, crisp tones. One of the best tube amps I've played and owned. But I can't play it at home, it's dust covers have been on it since the day my AF2 arrived. Already used the AF2 for 2 gigs, and it rawks live. Can't see myself going back at this point.

BTW, I found that my favorite hi-gain tone in the AF2 is a Slo100.....I do like the USA's but, man that Slo100 is just crazy good sounding to me.
Same here. I absolutely LOVE the Mark V, but every time I play it I hear, " turn it down!". So I can only play at whisper volumes, which doesn't sound good. I had to go full circle to know what I was actually missing, which is the axe fx II.
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