AxeII vs MarkV

Karl Houseknecht

Power User
Have both. A Mark V combo which I sometimes played through my 212 recto cab, and the AxeII which gets played through same cab, but with a Carvin poweramp. Problem is, I really can't afford to keep both. I was floating the Axe rig until I either sold it or deemed it worthy enough to keep, in which case I'd sell the Mark V. Something I was loathe to do because of how much I love that amp.

The Mark V is just one amazing amp. It can do anything. Any style I'd throw at it. Any guitar I'd throw at it. Tone-wise, there's just no downside to it. One amazing amp that, by rights, I should keep for the rest of my life. The only problems with it, for me, are practical. It's loud. Too loud to play at home. So it only gets played when gigged. I was taking it to church, and it does well there, but still borders on loud. Not that we don't like loud. Also, it's heavy. Granted, it's in a wheeled road case so load in isn't really a problem, but we're still talking the 100 lb range. Last, without some kind of MIDI switching system, it is difficult to use with an MFX and do channel switching. Sure, I could build a complete analog board and mount the footswitch on it. But that's a lot of money, a lot of tap dancing, and a little less flexible than the MFX approach.

On the other hand, here's the AxeII rig. It's got every sound the MarkV has and then some. The USA Lead Brt + IS the sound of my MarkV's 3rd channel on Extreme mode. I mean, it nails it. Feel-wise and all. And with the addition of the Mark style 5-band EQ in the last firmware, there's not even any guesswork to dial it in. I can set the amp controls and Mark EQ by eye and it's right there. Not to mention pretty much ANY other amp sound I want, and all called up seamlessly through the foot controller. Total integrated solution.

So the Mark V went out the door the other day. No more tubes here. At least for now. Because I'm sure I'm going to regret this and want another real amp. But practically and tonally, I just couldn't justify keeping the MarkV around. Not when there are bills to pay. Now I have the AxeII, the Carvin poweramp, MFC, and my recto cab. I also have an Eleven Rack as a backup that could get me by if something happened to the Axe. I'm on the MFC waiting list for a passive wedge.

So here we go again. Hopefully this time it takes. Although I will say that I've been FAR more successful in this go around with the Axe than I was the first time. It's either experience or the AxeII is just that much better than the Ultra. I'm leaning more towards the latter.
Good decision based on your situation, although I gotta have a couple tube amps around as well.......

Which Carvin poweramp do you use?
It will take a lot to sell my Bogner 101B Ecstacy 1/2 stack. But, I am on 30 minutes with this thing, so I haven't even figured out what I am doing, BUT, I know what you mean. Iplay at HOME, so it is even MORE not needed, but it sounds awesome at bedroom volumes, which is amazing. But it's nice to just plug in a guitar and flip a switch and have thousands of sounds. But, bills are more important! I don't need to sell it, but who knows?

Also, I still haven't tried the AFX out of the Bogner or with the 4x12 and a Power Amp like a Matrix, or if I am cheap I will get a Carvin small one for home use.
Same situation here! I sold my Mark V, which was my dream amp - for an Axe FX! Mostly for logisical/practical reasons, and as you said, not having to tap dance all the time.

Having a bit of trouble with the USA Lead amps the latest firmware update though - it seems quite quiet (obviously not a huge issue) in comparison to other amps, and I feel like I am having to crank the Input Drive/Overdrive way more than I used to, and it feels a little different. What do you think I've missed?

(This is for a hi-gain rhythm tone)
Having a bit of trouble with the USA Lead amps the latest firmware update though - it seems quite quiet (obviously not a huge issue) in comparison to other amps

Yes, I noticed this too. I just cranked up the amp's output a bit more. Deafening loud. More than I'll ever need on stage.
Sold my MarkV to get the Ultra a while back. With the Axe II I could not be happier! Cured my amp and effect GAS.
I also sold my Mark V.
Didn't really need to but I simply prefer the Axe. Didn't regret once.
I have a smaller, lighter and IMO (after getting a CLR) a better sounding rig.
Funny, it was a Mk V that got me on the road to a Axe FX. Traded my beloved Mk IV I had for 17 years on a Mk V. Instantly regretted it. Tried to get my Mk IV back but someone snapped it up. I had one of the best sounding MkIV's I ever heard. A 1989 'A' model. Sounded WAY better than the Mk V.

Anyway, it began my search for better tone. And here I am in Fractalville. Problem solved.
Lol Same here my friend, you are not alone. I actually sold my whole rig with a GR-55 and going all Axe... Doing the same Carvin but Hopefully with some Xitones since I am in Lala-land with Atomic Amps and got fed up. Everything below has been replaced with the AXE FX II
8-16-2013 1-22-47 PM.jpg
Funny, it was a Mk V that got me on the road to a Axe FX. Traded my beloved Mk IV I had for 17 years on a Mk V. Instantly regretted it. Tried to get my Mk IV back but someone snapped it up. I had one of the best sounding MkIV's I ever heard. A 1989 'A' model. Sounded WAY better than the Mk V.

Anyway, it began my search for better tone. And here I am in Fractalville. Problem solved.

I also came from a mark IV "A" model before I started using the Axe.
Mine was one of the best sounding IV's I had ever heard. I had a Red Stripe III as well and the IV I had was very close sounding to my III (which I loved , it was just too much of a one trick pony)
I have some good Axe II Mark patches but I still have not really 'recreated" my amp yet. getting closer , maybe I need another Recto cab (I sold that one off too)
Heh, I still have my Mark IV (which I stubbornly will NOT sell). I take it out occasionally, play it, love the tone but curse at the line noise, add a line conditioner, curse at the buzzing EMI, add my Decimator pedal, miss my delays & verb, set up my old G Major, miss stereo, haul out my 2x12 to go with my 4x12, hit a chord, and mmmmmm... sounds good.

Then I unplug, walk over to my Axe-FX, turn on my monitors, dial up my Mark IV patch, and hit a chord. Mmmmmmm... sounds just as good, but cleaner, and it only took fifteen seconds instead of thirty minutes. Not to mention the time to put all that stuff away again...

I'm not playing out any more, and have no immediate plans to, but something in me just refuses to sell the Mark & cabs. I've been burned by re-guying stuff before (hell, I've bought the Mesa 2x12 twice now). Then again, the Axe really has divided my guitar-playing and gear-collecting life into two halves: "before" (endless cycle of changing amps, cabs, and guitars) and "after" (O.K., I now buy more guitars <g>). Perhaps I'll get rid of my F-50 (though it makes a great power amp with the Axe for Mesa-flavored tones).
It's still apples and oranges to me, but interesting to read the opinions of actual Mark users. I have a IV and a V, and an Axe II of course. I go to the IV for the mojo, it's got tone for days and so full and pro sounding but it's loud. Now, the FIVE I can play with the baby sleeping in the next room at 10 watts and it's so easy to get the exact tone you want with all the dynamics and everything.. but the ground the FIVE covers in comparison is very specific and not as versatile.

I use the axe with headphones, or with 15 inch p.a. speakers. It sounds great but IMO i'm missing out without investing in at least some studio monitors or something.
Indeed my friend... I got all that shit in a rack which I wasn't going to take apart. Also my G-System connection died around that time so i didn't bother...
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