Axegeddon: How will you survive?

Looks like we got three gigging axe-less right now. This week I've got a restaurant, a bar and a country club that hosts the open. The CC gig is acoustic only so that'll be nice.

Survival strategies so far:

Bahrecords is going fully acoustic.
I'm going acoustic direct to board, Suhr badger head, celestion blue cab and 3 pedals.
Xrocker's probably doing acoustic direct and is rocking a Sansamp rig full of fizzazz.

Anyone else gigging axe-less yet?
No biggie- this sounds pretty much the same anyway:



I just puked all over the keyboard :S

Guitarport -- amazing -- makes you sound like a hundred bucks!! (someone else's joke, but a good one)

Did gig #3 in axe-fx purgatory last night.
The restaurant likes my electric as much as acoustic, but it's a small place. So there I was...strangling the Suhr badger tube amp into oblivion. Even with the power scaling the tone was anemic because the poor cabinet was wheezing and gasping for breath. The free dinner and margarita were poor consolation.
Axe-ageddon gigs 4 and 5 are history. Gigs 6 & 7 coming this week, hopefully my last week in purgatory.
Gig 6 -- Was finally able to let the Suhr tube amp breathe a little. It came to life and had the pleasure of hearing some vital signs: better dynamics, more useful guitar volume knob, wider tonal spectrum, mojo and attitude. But still, the tone was trapped in the land of "one-amp/one-cab".

Gig 7 -- Strangled the Suhr again to perform at a Chilis a mall...LOL. You do what ya gotta do to make $50 an hour.

This week will be another tube-starving run: two restaurants back to back........if I this keeps up, I'm renaming my Suhr badger to "Karen...Carpenter"
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I went from this


to borrowing a head and using my old ATA case


and its not right......its just not righttttt haha
Gig 6 -- Was finally able to let the Suhr tube amp breathe a little. It came to life and had the pleasure of hearing some vital signs: better dynamics, more useful guitar volume knob, wider tonal spectrum, mojo and attitude. But still, the tone was trapped in the land of "one-amp/one-cab".

Gig 7 -- Strangled the Suhr again to perform at a Chilis a mall...LOL. You do what ya gotta do to make $50 an hour.

This week will be another tube-starving run: two restaurants back to back........if I this keeps up, I'm renaming my Suhr badger to "Karen...Carpenter"

Just make sure you order a sandwich for your amp. If Mama Cass would have shared her ham sandwich with Karen Carpenter they'd both still be alive.
Already paid for and gone, thus the post.

Anyone else in Axe-ageddon?
Is your survival kit ready to go?

Here's mine

Hi Solo
I can´t help wondering why did you sell the Ultra and not the Badger/cab/pedals as you clearly think they are inferior to the Ultra (I agree btw).
My guess is you could have made the same amount or more selling your Badger/cab/pedals and you could have held on to the Ultra to hold you over until the Axe Fx II was available and then you´d have the option to sell it or keep it as a back-up. Would make more sense to me...
Personally I´ll keep my Ultra until I have a Axe Fx II in my hands, my tone is simply too important to me to go with a inferior and more clumbersome system. I use my Ultra on all small gigs, and on most of the bigger gigs as well. I only use tube ambs if there are roadies and good backline techs and soundguys that I know and trust.
Hope you, me and the rest of the community gets the chance to buy the Axe Fx II soon.
I can´t help wondering why did you sell the Ultra and not the Badger/cab/ could have made the same amount or more selling your Badger/cab/pedals.... Hope you, me and the rest of the community gets the chance to buy the Axe Fx II soon.
Great point. I suppose selling in mid-countdown was a form of risk management. The Ultra was exposed to potential loss in value while the tube rig wasn't. In broke-musician land that's a serious consideration.

The other was timing: what could I move fast enough to either buy back an Ultra or fund a possible Ultra-killer? I didn't know market demand for the cab and head, but I knew I could sell the white eternity pedal and the BJF EGDM pretty fast. But would I have what I needed in time if an ultra-killer was announced AND shipping? If I didn't, how long would I be without?

That kinda thinking drives me crazy. So I just threw the Ultra out there. People were screaming for them and it was a no-brainer in terms of finance timing and "protecting" retail value.

However...with Ultras down $400 or so, it's an awesome time to sell the tube rig for a backup. It's funny though: part me doesn't want to let go of the tube head. It's retro-Frankenstein technology sound sculpture art, a leather handled, tactile and tangible time machine complete with glowing glass...bizarre. I'll probably sell it anyway.

Back to the present -- I have to send a hearty thanks to Electron Pirate for some much-needed good news: I've been raptured from the purgatory of axe-ageddon. Out of the blue he offered to let me perform with his Standard until the II comes. What an awesome guy!! I'm picking it up tonight. I'll dump the last backup from when I owned my standard, tweak for the new firmware and be up and running for my gigs this week -- WOW

I don't wanna wear out that favor!
Here's to the release of the II -- may be it be SOON.
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Great point. I suppose selling in mid-countdown was a form of risk management. The Ultra was exposed to potential loss in value while the tube rig wasn't. In broke-musician land that's a serious consideration.

The other was timing: what could I move fast enough to either buy back an Ultra or fund a possible Ultra-killer? I didn't know market demand for the cab and head, but I knew I could sell the white eternity pedal and the BJF EGDM pretty fast. But would I have what I needed in time if an ultra-killer was announced AND shipping? If I didn't, how long would I be without?

That kinda thinking drives me crazy. So I just threw the Ultra out there. People were screaming for them and it was a no-brainer in terms of finance timing and "protecting" retail value.

However...with Ultras down $400 or so, it's an awesome time to sell the tube rig for a backup. It's funny though: part me doesn't want to let go of the tube head. It's retro-Frankenstein technology sound sculpture art, a leather handled, tactile and tangible time machine complete with glowing glass...bizarre. I'll probably sell it anyway.

Back to the present -- I have to send a hearty thanks to Electron Pirate for some much-needed good news: I've been raptured from the purgatory of axe-ageddon. Out of the blue he offered to let me perform with his Standard until the II comes. What an awesome guy!! I'm picking it up tonight. I'll dump the last backup from when I owned my standard, tweak for the new firmware and be up and running for my gigs this week -- WOW

I don't wanna wear out that favor!
Here's to the release of the II -- may be it be SOON.

That's SERIOUSLY cool of Electron Pirate to do Eric. Very cool.
Great point. I suppose selling in mid-countdown was a form of risk management. The Ultra was exposed to potential loss in value while the tube rig wasn't. In broke-musician land that's a serious consideration.

The other was timing: what could I move fast enough to either buy back an Ultra or fund a possible Ultra-killer? I didn't know market demand for the cab and head, but I knew I could sell the white eternity pedal and the BJF EGDM pretty fast. But would I have what I needed in time if an ultra-killer was announced AND shipping? If I didn't, how long would I be without?

That kinda thinking drives me crazy. So I just threw the Ultra out there. People were screaming for them and it was a no-brainer in terms of finance timing and "protecting" retail value.

However...with Ultras down $400 or so, it's an awesome time to sell the tube rig for a backup. It's funny though: part me doesn't want to let go of the tube head. It's retro-Frankenstein technology sound sculpture art, a leather handled, tactile and tangible time machine complete with glowing glass...bizarre. I'll probably sell it anyway.

Back to the present -- I have to send a hearty thanks to Electron Pirate for some much-needed good news: I've been raptured from the purgatory of axe-ageddon. Out of the blue he offered to let me perform with his Standard until the II comes. What an awesome guy!! I'm picking it up tonight. I'll dump the last backup from when I owned my standard, tweak for the new firmware and be up and running for my gigs this week -- WOW

I don't wanna wear out that favor!
Here's to the release of the II -- may be it be SOON.

I totally understand the timing point - makes perfect sense.
Also I´m not one to point fingers (not that I was doing that) at people who still own tube amps for more or less sentimental reasons :) I still own quite a few tube amps, even though the Ultra is my A-rig.

Wow and Big thumps up to Electron Pirate, who from this day forth shall be known as Electron Pirate the compassionate :)
What a truely great and cool thing to do for a fellow musician, way cool.
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Arrrgh! A compassionate pirate? All them electrons must have been a form of electro shock therapy.

Class A+ move. The people in Denver are the main reason I lived there for 20 years.

A guy here did offer to lend me a potato though.
Glad to do it Eric.

I'll miss my darlin' of course, but I'm hoping that the AxeII lands soon. Nice to hang with you BTW, it's been awhile.

I needed to concentrate on Piano a little more anyway.

Thanks again Ron!
Looks like axeII release is out to at least June 6, and then ground shipping, so around 3 weeks if I manage to squeeze into that first order.

My fiance's been singing "axe-fx jonez" for days around the house, taunting me. Funny how memories start stacking up with the gear you use. When I unboxed your standard last night, it was a surprisingly nostalgic moment: the value wheel with thumb detent, the soft no-click buttons. Yep -- I see a backup unit in my future.

My last standard backup was firmware 3.18 on September 25, 2007, just before I sold mine. The guy who bought my standard asked me to be on "axeII watch" for him...LOL

I'll call or PM after I've dialed for 11.0. Nice to be in axe-fx ville again!!
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