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Axefx Standard + FCB1010 EurekaProm Help?!?!

Douglas Hunter

New Member
Hey guys! I have an Axe Standard. I received today the FCB1010 and the Eureka Prom 3 chip. After about an hour or so I finally figured out how to switch between "Favorite Presets". Lol My question is, how do I assign the Tuner to the FCB? Or is this even a possibility?

Not sure if this is helpful - I'm using the III, but for what it's worth, here it goes:

- The EurekaPROM has the tuner activation/deactivation built in.
-- Press "up" or "down" until you get to "Pr" (the preset mode).
-- Press P9 until the light comes on
-- Press P10 to toggle the tuner

Note that this works with Axe III Tuner set to midi CC15.

You might also be able to set one of the pedals in "Ef" mode to toggle the tuner (if you don't mind giving up an effects pedal). Simply program the pedal to CC15 (or whatever your Axe is set to for tuner).

Hope that helps,

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