Axefx-recording with backing tracks


Maybe a noob question but I’m struggling with 2issues…
1. I use axefx as the sound card for my pc to play the backing track while playing over it and listen to the mix on headphones output. Now I would want to record the backing track separately and my parts separately in to reaper or any other DAW…
2. Sometimes I use programs like guitar pro and go play along which sync backing tracks to notations, is there any way I can get the backing track to record from the guitar pro into a separate track and my playing into a separate track…( both are not available as VSTs only .exe)?
You can. The only way I know is to make a loopback and use multiple outputs in the axe.

For this you need output 1,2,3 and input 1 and usb in your preset.

Since you want to use output 1 (headphones output) you need to do some routing near the outputs in axe edit.

The usb input should be output from guitar pro (or what ever program that output the backing track)

Output 1 should have both guitar and the usb input connected.

Output 2 should be only the guitar signal. Make a shunt from the last slot before output 1 to duplicate the guitar signal. Nothing else.

Output 3 should have a shunt only from usb input.

Set the corresponding inputs in reaper and you should be able to get exactly what you want.

There may be smarter ways to do this, but it’s the way I would do it. If you are on a Mac you could try making an aggregate device in your sound setup, but I found that to be unreliable at times.
Maybe a noob question but I’m struggling with 2issues…
1. I use axefx as the sound card for my pc to play the backing track while playing over it and listen to the mix on headphones output. Now I would want to record the backing track separately and my parts separately in to reaper or any other DAW…
2. Sometimes I use programs like guitar pro and go play along which sync backing tracks to notations, is there any way I can get the backing track to record from the guitar pro into a separate track and my playing into a separate track…( both are not available as VSTs only .exe)?

On a Mac, simply set your system audio usb output channel to 7/8 and add a In USB block to your preset. Route that to output 2. No need for an aggregate.

On Windows, it's kind of complicated since you can't change the system audio usb output channel. So you have to take analog output 1 and use a patch cable to connect it to input 1. Then use input/output 2 for your Guitar instead of output 1.
On Windows, it's kind of complicated since you can't change the system audio usb output channel.
have not used windows in many years. Sad if this is true. Could one bypass this limitation by using soundflower or similar?

EDIT: since soundflower is not windows, i could name something else like Odeus Asio Link?
have not used windows in many years. Sad if this is true. Could one bypass this limitation by using soundflower or similar?

It's not easy. Most people give up and just record the backing track to an audio file which you can then import to the DAW project.
OBS studio which is a free screen grabbing software is the only windows application I know of that can simultaneously grab sound from multiple sources.

It can record the sound directly from your internet browser, if you are recording a backing track online, and it can simultaneous record the output of your AxeFX (using AxeFX as your audio device) and also a microphone connected to your regular audio interface. These can all be recorded to individual tracks. There are three caveats though. 1) The audio files will not automatically line up, so some nudging is usually necessary. 2) audio is recorded as AAS rather than WAV, 3) Reaper does not recognize video files with multiple audio tracks. I usually pull the video files into DaVinci Resolve (free) and do the sound there. Resolve is much worse than reaper for anything audio related, but for adjusting the audio when playing to a backing track, it is OK.
One additional option for the Guitar Pro part…you could export Guitar Pro to midi, bring that into your DAW and assign instrument tracks to the midi tracks from Guitar Pro. You can then play your part with the Guitar Pro parts in your DAW.

I do this all the time.
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