Axefx plus tubeamp into racklooper - r u xperienced?


Hello there,

is anyone here using a looper (gcx or patchmate(loop8) or somthing else...) for combining a tubeamp with the axefx. i have no looper here but would like to go this way:
guitar into looper
loop 1 - axefx, pre-fxloop-section
loop 2 - preamp of tubeamp
loop 3 - axefx, post-fxloop-section
back into amp-return

this looks to me as if it would be the way to selectively maintain the pure highgain tubeamp-sound without A-D-A signalprocessing (and so unnecessary rising the noisefloor).

is this the way to go with a tubeamp??

cheers, martin
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