AxeFx II Usb driver problems


Hey everyone hopefully someone can help me out.

I just got my AxeFx II about a few weeks ago but I feel like the USB driver for MAC software isn't working properly. When I install it from the link on the Factal support page, nothing happens. It says software installed yet nothing is changing for me. I don't know how to explain this other than, I get the same results when plugging my II into the macbook via usb wether it is before installation or after installation

Can someone please just help me out and explain what I'm supposed to see/be capable of doing with this Driver software?

Thank you!

-AxeFx n00b :(
I'm assuming you installed the driver. Are you trying to see your Axe-FX in Axe-edit? You need to select the midi in/out from the dropdown in the settings menu.
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