AxeFx 2 player, blown away.


Well, I finally did it.

Found a lovely guy near me who was kind enough to sell me a near new FM9 Turbo last night. Got it back to the cave, ran all of the updates, installed the new default presets, and plugged in my axe...

And... damn.

I had a long list of reasons for upgrading; the extra output, the convenience of losing the rack and having everything on the floor, the gapless switching; massive shout out to the gapless switching. Gapless really makes my dreams come true; I can run dual amps and switch them both between channels instantly, I love it and this feature in particular finally sold me on the upgrade.

What I really did not expect was the overall sound quality improvement over the AxeFx 2. The upgrades between different firmware versions on that unit never failed to impress me, but they never blew me away. The AxeFx to FM9 difference really did blow me away, it just sounds considerably different.

And what they say about the factory presets is true; they rock. I spent hours pressing next preset, and didn't find a single one that didn't just rock out of the box.

Now I need to get my ass into gear and start building presets for practice on the weekend, and figure out if I'm going to do scenes or a setlist.

Thanks Cliff & Fractap, love it, glad to be here

You guys are so good, I fear for the future of amp and pedal manufacturers.
I went from FX III to the FM9. The FX III is a beast but the floor unit is more useful for amateur guitarists IMHO and anyway the power is enough.
Enjoy it
I went from FX III to the FM9. The FX III is a beast but the floor unit is more useful for amateur guitarists IMHO and anyway the power is enough.
Enjoy it
IDK, with respect guitar players, FM9 and Axe FX III I don't think the word amature was the word you were looking for? Not implying I'm a pro but may of the people on Fractals list of Artist are! Did you mean in the context of complexity of presets?
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