Axe V9 / Metallica - Blackened


junt one thing:
the intro is "wrong"
actually it's a reversed track!:D
cut the intro, reverse it, record it,
then reverse it again and you'll have the correct intro.

hmm, i just wonder why metallica didn't use the original file somewhere, sounds really good IMHO!

bjoo said:
bolts said:
Awesome! :shock:

I'd be very keen to delve into your patch settings!!.....hint hint :roll:

Thanks dude,
It's 6 tracks for rhythm guitar.
1. One is hard LR, Mk2 - JCM - JCM2000 cabinet. it's for warm-grind kinda tone.
2. Two is panned 10 o'clock, Mk2 - JCM2000 cabinet. it's for punchy and chewy mesa tone.
3. Three is hard LR, using same tone as a no.1 and just for chuggy bottom string.

Same with orchestration guitars.. so when orchestration part comes in my DAW playng freaking 10 tracks at once!!
And Mk4 lead preset for lead tone.

I think I can mess with more cabinets and blend them for more 'fuller tone' but it's too much time spending already :p

Could you explain your Patch(es) a bit more (or better- upload them), pelase? Your clip really sounds killer!
I'm looking at the guitar track through a spectrum visualizer and it should be unusable with that much mid-scoopage. :lol: But somehow it sounds exactly like Metallica so you did a great job! BTW six tracks for that rhythm tone?!?! :shock: That's... crazy mixing... or I'm too lazy.
Awesome man, great playing... I think the original has a touch less mids and a touch more highs.
You can never have enough Tallica covers so keep em coming. Cheers... ;)
Any chance you could share the preset (or post the settings)? I've been working on a Harvester of Sorrow patch for ages now (using the Recto Red model) but I still can't nail it.
Hey gotta say I LOVE the recording.
Sound GREAT!

I was wondering.
I don't have the song somewhere now to listen to it, but I read that Metallica used an Ebow on Blackened.
Maybe the intro? I don't know
Just putting a thought out there.
javajunkie made a ebow patch, if you wanna maybe wanna try it out on the song.


Unfortunately I can't try it out cause I don't have me AFX, YET... :roll:
Getting it soon :mrgreen:

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